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65m3/h直接蒸氨工艺设计摘要:在焦化生产过程中产生大量含酚、氰、油、氨氮等有毒、有害物质的剩余氨水,主要来自炼焦和煤气净化过程及化工产品的精制过程。剩余氨水主要由三部分组成:装炉煤表面的湿存水、装炉煤干馏产生的化合水和添加入吸煤气管道和集气管循环氧水泵内的含油工艺废水,剩余氨水总量一般按装炉煤14%计。剩余氨水的传统加工工艺是利用蒸汽进行直接蒸氨。直接蒸氨工艺是在蒸氨塔的塔底直接通入水蒸汽作为蒸馏热源.直接蒸氨工艺的流程短,设备少,一次性投入少.直接蒸氨工艺中,蒸汽直接进入塔底废水,蒸汽冷凝水不能回收,塔底废水量加大,废水出系统前要冷却到40℃,导致废水冷却器的冷却水耗量增大.直接蒸氨工艺因为没有再沸器,相对蒸氨工艺来说设备维修量小,工艺简朴,也一度成为蒸氨工艺的首选。虽然近年来有运用管式炉(导热油)加热剩余氨水来减少蒸汽耗量的工艺改良,但是要消耗大量的煤气资源进行加热,仍然没有解决实质性问题。 本设计是采用直接蒸氨的方法进行操作的,主要原理是:原料氨水与蒸氨废水换热至90~98℃后,与用于分解氨水中固定铵的5%氢氧化钠溶液一起进入蒸氨塔上部,塔底供入直接蒸汽将氨蒸出,氨蒸汽经塔顶分凝器冷凝冷却后,冷凝液作为蒸氨塔的回流,氨汽直接送到硫铵工段或进一步冷凝成浓氨水。蒸氨塔底部排出的蒸氨废水,在与原料氨水换热后送往生化处理装置处理或送去洗氨。 关键词:焦化;蒸氨;剩余氨水;温度 65m3/h directly Ammonia Process Design Abstract:In the coking production process a large number of phenol, cyanide, oil, ammonia and other toxic and hazardous substances remain in residual ammonia which mainly from the coke and gas purification processes and chemical products, refined the process. Residual ammonia consists of three parts: Charging of the surface of the wet storage of coal, coal carbonization furnace installed compounds produced by absorbing water and added to the gas pipeline and oxygen gas collector loop pump oil within the process wastewater, total residual ammonia general Charging of coal by 14% in dollars. Residual ammonia in the traditional processing technology is the use of direct steam ammonia。Direct the ammonia production was in the steam ammonia of the tower on the water vapor towerbottom as a distillation pyrogen. direct the ammonia production processes, equipment, one-time investment. direct the ammonia process, the steam to walk straight into the tower of waste, the condensation water is not collectable and the base of a quantity of water, waste water to cool off before the system to 40 ℃, cooling water is cooling water consumption of the size of Direct steam ammonia production through, because there is no relative steam ammonia production equipment maintenance capacity for small craft was a simple, and once became the first choice of the ammonia.


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