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* Translation 丽斯伯兹.克拉妮是马萨诸塞州牛顿市一位单身母亲,也是本案反对米亚德公司的原告之一,对她来说,目前基因检测专利制度最大的障碍是费用问题。她患有乳腺癌并做了双乳切除手术,但是她还想做一次BRCA检验,以确定她患卵巢癌的可能性,以便决定是否切除卵巢。但是米亚德公司拒绝她采用保险付费的计划,而由她自己负担检查费用的话,就大大超出她能力所及。 Thank you! Happy National Day * * * * Cancer Patients Challenge the Patenting of a Gene 癌症患者集体挑战基因检测专利制度 * ! * A genetic test is the analysis of human deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), ribonucleic acid (RNA), chromosomes(染色体) ,and proteins to detect heritable disease-related genotypes(基因型,遗传型), mutations, (突变,变异),phenotypes(显型, 表现型), or karyotypes (核型,染色体组型)for the purposes of diagnosis, treatment, and other clinical decision making. Most genetic testing is performed by drawing a blood sample and extracting DNA from white blood cells. A Genetic Test * ! * Myriad Genetics Myriad Genetics is a leading molecular [m?lekj?l?] diagnostic company dedicated to making a difference in patient’s lives through the discovery and commercialization (商品化)of transformative tests to assess a person’s risk of developing disease, guide treatment decisions and assess risk of disease progression and recurrence. * BRCA Analysis A test for hereditary breast and ovarian cancer BRCA Analysis assesses a woman‘s risk of developing breast or ovarian cancer based on detection of mutations in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes. This test has become the standard of care in identification of individuals with hereditary breast and ovarian cancer and is reimbursed[?ri:im?b?:s] (偿还)by insurance. Words and Expressions * Lawsuit n.诉讼 Eg: As we were poor we lost the lawsuit Blend v.混合 Which blend of coffee would you like? Landmark n.里程碑,划时代的事 Monopoly [m??n?p?li] n.垄断,垄断者,专卖权 He seems to think he has a monopoly of brains Counsel n.忠告,决策,律师,法律顾问 Coalition ?[?k?u??li??n] n.联合,合并,结合 The two parties have united to form a coalition Plaintiff n.原告 defendant n.被告 Mediocrity [?mi:di??kriti] n.平庸之才,平常 His plays are distinguished o



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