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Drugs Affecting the Respiratory System By Caiying Ye Department of Pharmacology, School of Basic Medicine, Peking Union Medical College Introduction Antiasthmatics 平喘药 Antitussives 镇咳药 Expectorants 祛痰药 概况 咳、痰、喘是呼吸系统常见的三大症状,三者 同时存在又相互影响。 祛痰:促使痰液排出,使咳、喘症状缓解。 抗喘:能降低器官阻力,利于痰排除. 消除病因配合镇咳、祛痰、抗喘药,可缓解症状,提高疗效,有效地预防合并症的发生。 抗喘药 Antiasthmatic Drugs Aasthma A chronic inflammatory disease of the airways Clinical feature: bronchospasm, bronchial obstruction, dyspnea Pathologic changes:lymphocyte infiltration, mucosal oedema, vascular leakage, airway smooth muscle proliferation. Cellular infiltration invovling mast cell and eosinophil triggers bronchial inflammation and allergic response in susceptible population. Treatment principle:inhibit airway inflammation and inflammatory mediators. Classifications β2 adrenoceptor agonists Methylxanthines:aminophiline 氨茶碱; Muscarinic antagonists: ipratropium bromide异丙阿托品; Glucocorticosteroids: beclomethasone dipropionate丙酸倍氯米松; Mast cell stablizers: sodium cromoglicate色苷酸钠 Effect of antiathmatic drugs on intracellular levels of cAMP 1. Adrenoceptor agonists 1. Adrenoceptor agonists [作用特点]: Activate β2 receptor activate adenylyl cyclase cAMP Ca2+ relax airway smooth muscle Activate α receptor cause vasoconstriction reduce edema improve airflow dilate the bronchus to relieve bronchospasm Activate β receptor on the membrane of mast cell inhibit release of allergic mediators prevent allergic asthma attack [注意事项]: 长期应用此类药物,可使支气管平滑肌细胞膜上的β 2受体数目减少,疗效减低,引起哮喘反跳,病情加重。 故本类药物不宜长期连续应用,必要时可与其他平喘药交替使用。 肾上腺素 adrenaline,epinephrine [作用特点]:作用强而快 Stimulate α, β1 β 2 receptors β受体:舒张支气管 α受体:使支气管粘膜血管收缩,减轻水肿,利于气管通畅。 激动心脏β1受体,引起心动过速. 对血管α受体的激动,引起收缩压明显增高,加重心脏负担. 吸入给药,哮喘急性发作,或发作前预防。 麻黄素ephedrine 作用似肾上腺素,平喘作用弱,生效缓慢,持久,维持4-6小时; 用于轻症哮喘和预防作用,口服有效。 ? 异丙肾上腺素isoprenaline (喘息定) 作用强而迅速( Stimulate both β1 β 2 receptors ); 吸入给药,1 min迅速改善症状,维持1-2 hr; 过量有心悸、肌震颤,心率失常。


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