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 PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 21 The traditional mindset(观念模式,思维倾向,心态;)of shopping the post-Christmas sales is to hunt for that expensive piece you have been lusting (强烈的性欲;?肉欲,色情;?强烈的欲望;?渴望,热烈追求;?vi.好色;?渴望;?贪求;)after all season。 But the ever-increasing(不断增长的)speed of the fashion trend cycle means that buying a trophy(纪念品,战利品;?奖品,奖杯(牌);?胜利纪念柱;?战利品雕饰;?adj.显示身份或地位的;?提高身价的;?有威望的;?) piece of 2015 fashion when the year has only days to go is increasingly a false economy – however eye-catching the discount。 The new breed(n.产(后代),生;?产生,导致;?优生交配;?养育,训练;?vi.产仔;?繁殖,旺盛生长;?)of sales shoppers are applying next year’s style rules to last year’s collections。  通常在圣诞节期间购物,是为了淘到你垂涎已久但是价格昂贵的商品。但是时尚潮流的循环速度日益加快,买一件仅剩几天的2015年的流行款式,不得不说是一个错误的决定——然而,折扣实在是太引人注目。新一代的销售商正在把下一年的流行趋势应用到上一年的产品中。  Many of the trends that dominated the spring/summer 2016 catwalk shows – the clothes which will go into stores in February – can be found in the collections now being discounted。 The key to resisting being baited by retailers desperate(绝望的;?由绝望而引起的;?铤而走险的,孤注一掷的;?急切的,极度渴望的; )to offload the clothes with the most pressing sell-by dates(最迟销售日期,保质期)is to approach the sales with a clear wishlist。  许多流行趋势占据了2016年春夏时装秀——这些衣服将会在2月份在商场上架——可以看到它们现在正在打折。要想不被巧舌如簧的售货员引诱而盲目购买快要过时的衣服,最好的办法就是在去超市购物前列好自己的购物清单。  1.Avoid at all costs any clothes with words on them。  1 无论如何不要买印有文字的衣服。印文字的衣服印文字的衣服  Slogans have an immediate appeal, but nothing dates faster。 However much they speak to you at this moment, you will be sick of them in weeks。  标语确实有吸睛作用,但是没有能持续多久的。况且,它们在这个时候对你说的越多,你越会在一周内对他们感到厌倦。  2.Avoid buying clothes you do not need now  2 不要购买现在不需要的衣服不需要的衣服不需要的衣服  Avoid, also, buying the dress you wish you’d worn at the Christmas party you went to three weeks ago。 There is absolutely no chance you will want to want to wear it to next year’s Christmas party。  同时,也不要购买三周前你希望自己能在圣诞会上穿的衣服。因为明年的圣诞会你绝对不会有机会再次穿上它。  3.One advantage  3 一点益处一点益处一点益处  One advantageous side-effect of the fast-forward trend


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