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1,2,3,4,15 Pseudorabies Vaccination 伪狂犬病的免疫 Vaccination Does Not Produce Absolute Protection 免疫不能提供绝对的保护 Vaccinated Pigs can still get the Infection 免疫后的猪仍可感染 Vaccinated Pigs can still Produce Virus 免疫后的猪可产生病毒 Vaccinated Pigs can still Get Sick 免疫后的猪可发病 Vaccination is Useful, and is Cost-Effective 免疫有用,且合算 Replacement Boars and Gilts 后备公母猪 Replacement animals should be vaccinated twice at 3 week intervals with MLV vaccine before entry into the herd. 后备猪在进群前应以弱毒苗免疫2次,间隔3周 If negative boars and gilts enter the herd and the herd is vaccinated 3 to 4 times per year, and infected animals are gradually culled with respect given to their status, the herd will become negative in 3 to 4 years. 阴性猪转入定期免疫的群体,感染猪逐渐被淘汰,群体可望在 3-4年后转为阴性 Piglet vaccination 仔猪免疫 A serologic survey of the herd with animals at different ages tested will yield valuable information. 对群体各年龄段作血清学调查可提供有价值信息 The time of infection and decay of maternal antibody will dictate the time of vaccination. 根据感染时间和母体免疫力的消退可决定免疫时间 The traditional times of vaccination are to 10 and 14 weeks of age. 传统免疫时间是10和14周龄 When infection is occurring at a relatively young age, earlier vaccination may be indicated. 一旦感染发生在早期,意味着应提早免疫 Presence of maternal antibody may interfere with early intramuscular vaccination. 早期肌肉免疫可能受到母源抗体干扰 Pigs may be successfully vaccinated intranasally even at birth in the presence of maternal antibody, but the immunity may be relatively shortlived. 出生时的鼻腔接种可不受母源抗体干扰,但免疫力时间短 Very early (at birth) vaccination should be followed with a intranasal booster at 3- 4 weeks of age, and an intramuscular booster at 7 to 9 weeks of age. 出生免疫后应在3-4周龄时鼻腔接种和7-9周龄时 肌肉免疫进行强化 When vaccinating at 3-4 weeks of age, a single IM booster at 7 to 9 weeks of age should be sufficient. 首次免疫在3-4周龄时,7-9周龄时肌肉免疫强化一次足够 6 8 10 12 14 16 周 伪狂犬病免疫模型 0 1 0.3 0.4 感染母猪 感染仔猪 阳性 阴性 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 抗 体 水 平 周龄 伪狂犬病 gE (gI) ELISA gE (gI) 0 1 0.3 0.


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