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DO YOU DRINK TODAY? TEA By 14建筑一班 苏俊杰 谢泽浩 黄奕浩 origin Dim Sum Introduction The culture of cantonese morining tea Some funny action About the tradition of cantonese morining tea origin Pastry: [pas·try || pe?str?] n. 面粉糕饼, 馅饼皮 糕点 Cantonese [Can·ton·ese || ?k?nt?n??z] n. 广东人; 广东话 adj. 广东的; 广东人的 emerge emerge vi. (from)浮(出)现, 发生, 显现, 显露, 暴露, 形成, (由某种状态)脱出, (事实)显现出来 3 origin Talking about the history of morning tea , it can be traced back to the qing dynasty during the rule of xianfeng and tongzhi.?At that time, there was a type of simple tea house called one house, which will put up a wooden card in front of the house. Offering tea and pastry ,even though the tea house didn’t have a comfortable environment, the passerby still wanted to sit here for rest and have something to eat or drink. 1 origin origin Later on ,with the boom of commerce in Guangdong,more and more businessmen needed a place for social activities. Teahouse soon began to emerge and developed gradually into tea restaurants. Since then ,morning tea has become a common cantonese habit. 1 Tradition Actually morning tea refers to dim sum accompanied by tea So having morning tea is also called “eating morning tea” in Guangdong.The most traditional form of morning tea is called “one tea and two dim sum”.Usually ,people have their own tea which won”t change,and the two typical dim sum come to steamed dumplings and shrimp dumpling.With these three things,customer can sit there for a whole morning. 2 Dim Sum Introduction 3 Chicken feet 凤爪 Dim Sum Introduction 3 Steamed Dumplings 烧卖 Dim Sum Introduction 3 Shrimp dumpling 虾饺 Dim Sum Introduction 3 Bun stuffed with BBQ pork 叉烧包 Dim Sum Introduction 3 Sticky rice 糯米鸡 Dim Sum Introduction 3 Water chestnut cake 马蹄糕 Springrolls 春卷 Dim Sum Introduction 3 Egg custard 葡挞 Steamed Cantonese sponge cake 马拉糕 Beef balls 牛肉丸 Spareribs with black bean sauce 豉汁排骨 Fried bread stick 油条 Golden cake 黄金糕 Chen cunfen 陈村粉 ~~~~~~~~ Some funny story 4 That‘s


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