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题目: 新课标下高中物理实验教学的探讨 Title: The Discussion on Physical Experiment Teaching of Senior High School under the New Curriculum Standard 摘 要 随着《高中物理新课程标准》的颁布,新一轮的中学物理课程改正逐步深入进行,高中物理教学内容、教学方法和教学要求也必须相应地随着课程改革的要求做出调整。由于物理学是基于实验基础之上的科学,物理实验在物理教学中占有及其重要的地位。因此,改革中学物理实验势在必行。 本文首先根据新课标对学生实验能力培养要求进行了分析,然后结合我国物理实验教学现状,指出了当前物理实验教学中所存在的问题。这些问题说明高中物理实验教学与新课标实验教学要求还存在着较大的差距。最后,根据《高中物理新课程标准》结合本地实际和现代学习理论,针对实验教学存在的问题提出了一些建议,希望相关结论能对当前的物理实验教学改革有所帮助。 关键词:中学物理;物理实验;教学现状;教学改革 Abstract With the promulgation of “new high school physics curriculum standard”, a new round of curriculum reforms is gradually deepened and teaching content, teaching methodologies and teaching requirements must be adjusted accordingly. Because physics is a subject based on the experiment, physics experiment plays an important role in physics teaching. To that end, middle school physics experimental teaching reform is crucial. Above all, this essay analyses the requirement of developing the students physical experiment ability according to the New Curriculum Standard, and after combined with Chinese current physical experiment teaching, it points out the problems that exist in the present physical experiment teaching, These problems indicate that there still exists larger gap between current physics experiment teaching in high schools and requirements of new curriculum standard, Then in conjunction with local realities and modern learning theories, the author put forward some proposals and typical teaching designs concerning experimental teaching problems, hoping to benefit the current physics experiments teaching reform. Key words:igh school Physics; Physical experimental; current teaching situation; Teaching reform 目 录 摘 要 I Abstract II 1 绪论 1 1.1 物理实验在高中物理教学中的地位和作用 1 1.2 现阶段我国高中物理实验教学现状分析 1 1.3 本文的工作 2 2 课题研究的现实依据 3 2.1 新课标对物理实验教学的要求 3 2.2 中学实验教学情况分析 3 3 高中物理实验教学改革的原则 4 3.1 科学性原则 4 3.2 体现新课改要求的原则 4 4 高中物理实验教学观念的转变 5 4.1 知识和过程并重 5 4.2 正确的认识探究性实验 6 5 高中物理实验教学内容的选取 7 5.1 加强对新课标教材的“挖掘”,多开展随堂实验 7 5.2 运用



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