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Canada 梁萍萍 宣丹梅 夏慧萍 Welcome to Canada 徐风 王琳 Overview of Canada Official Name: Canada Capital: Ottawa Type of government: a constitutional monarchy with parliamentary democracy, as well as being a federation. Area: 9,976,162 sq km Official Language: English and French Population: over 31 million People: 84.6% are White people, 1.6% are Black, 0.4% are Hispanic, 6.9% are Asian, and 6.5% are other native peoples. Religion: Christianity 77%, None 16.2%, Islam 2.0%, Judaism 1.1%, Hinduism 1.0%, Buddhism 1.0%, Sikhism 0.9% 2001 Major Rivers: Mackenzie, Yukon, Nelson, Saskatchewan National flower: Canada has no national flower. There are only national flowers for each province. Official languages English and French the TV and radio in French French restaurants; teaching in schools be done in French The population The population of Canada is about 29 million and the capital is Ottawa. Economy With a vast area of different features and resources , Canada has a diversified economy. Canadian Values Canadian people strike us as respectful , tolerant , peace-loving , conservative and friendly. Canadian are proud of their non-violent society and their international role as peacekeepers. Food 加拿大肉扒 咖啡碎块果冻 加拿大象拔蚌刺身 熏鲑鱼 三文鱼 Amazing facts 1. lakes. 2. television 3. fries 4. immigrants Major Events 1497 John Cabot discovers Newfoundland 1670 Hudson’s Bay Company established 1763 Canada becomes a British colony 1870s Manitoba, British Columbia, Prince Edward Island join Canada 1905 Alberta, Saskatchewan join Canada 1914 World War I until 1918 : Canada joins Allies Thank You * Flag Coat of Arms White: peace and honesty Red: hardiness, bravery strength The 11-pointed maple leaf in the middle does not represent anything Canada is the second largest country in the world with close to 10 Million km2. Population in Canada is just over 31 Million. 13 provinces: Alberta: Edmonton 艾伯塔: 埃德蒙顿 British Columbia: Victoria 不列颠哥伦比亚省: 维多利亚 Manitoba: Winnipeg 马尼托巴:


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