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入到聚众斗殴中转化犯的主体范围。 第四部分论述应如何解决聚众斗殴中转化犯认定的理论分歧。本部分在前文 论述的基础上,指出要解决聚众斗殴中转化犯认定的理论分歧,无需通过修改法 律,只需要完善司法处理即可。随之提出完善司法处理的三个建议:一是明确转 化定罪的前提条件,这样做的目的是限定转化定罪适用范围与主体范围;二是明 确转化定罪的主观罪过内容,目的是解决聚众斗殴中转化犯认定主观罪过方面的 分歧;三是明确转化定罪的责任主体,具体分析哪些行为主体可能成为转化定罪 的主体。 关键词 聚众斗殴;转化犯;主观罪过;主体;罪责刑相适应 Abstract As a type of mob crime, the crime of affray often the number and scale of the social order has enormous destructive, which has a greater degree of complexity in the identification and treatment of criminal justice. Injuries occurred during the affray, when the result of death, how transformation conviction, it is important and difficult current judicial practice concerns.The article first introduces the basic knowledge about transforming crime and transforming guilty of affray, and then pointed found guilty of affray transforming doctrinal differences exist, and then expand the theoretical analysis about the doctrinal differences, finally proposed to resolve doctrinal differences judicial countermeasures.The focus of this article is guilty of affray transforming the identification, the text will focus on the focus to start on.Paper is divided into four parts: The first section provides an overview of affray committed transforming related content.First, through the analysis stage in transforming crime theorists existing differences, thus defining the concept of transforming crime.Second, the argument criminal law affray causing serious injury, death is typically prescribed transforming crime, and the transformation of the concept of guilty of affray define.Third is to examine the status quo mob brawl transforming crime, including legislative and judicial status of the status quo,The


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