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加大对场地器材设施的投入;加强对教师的健身指导,建立不同人群的运动健身处方等。 通过对苏北地区农村中学教师健康和健身活动的分析,由点及面,向全国辐射,旨在 为提高广大农村中学教师的健康水平,提高教师的生活质量和幸福指数,为促进全民健身 计划的顺利开展提供一定的参考。 关键词: 教师; 苏北地区; 健康; 健身; 调查研究 Research and study on the health condition fitness situation of middle school teachers in the countryside in SuBei area Abstract In long river of the history of mankind, Teacher is evangelist of knowledge, teacher is shaper of the mankind soul,teacher is inheritor of mankind civilization. National prosperity depends on ediucation, ediucational key are teachers. We should more improve the quality of the nations health when we strongly advocated to improve the national qualities in though 、moral 、 science and culture now. Teachers act as a part of the National Fitness,their health conditions effect directly their educational level and ability; to effect directly quality of teaching and students’feature; to effect directly their sense of happiness and degree of career satisfaction. Under many of angles and positions, This paper analysed the health condition and fitness status of countryside middle school teachers in Subei district through literature review、Sample survey、mathematical statistics 、questionnaire、interview act. At first,the paper analysed health condition and effection factors from teacheresbody health、psychological health and social adaptation. The second,the paper studies teacheres fitness status through logical analysis and empirical datas.The end, Conclusion has been found,and proposing suggestion. The results showes that teacher’health conditions are not optimistic. From teachers’body health, parts of teachers have had a


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