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Classified Index: CODE: 10075 U.D.C.: NO: 033191 A Dissertation for the Degree of M. Economics An Analysis on the Relationship between Investment and Economic Growth Candidate: Zhou Meijuan Supervisor: Prof. Liu Shu Academic Degree Applied for: Master of Economics Specialty: Statistics University: Hebei University Date of Oral Examination: June, 2006 摘 要 投资是影响经济增长的基本要素之一,对保持经济持续、稳定、协调发展起着重要 的推动作用。本文分别从投资规模、投资结构和投资对经济增长的贡献三个方面就我国 投资与经济增长的关系进行了理论与实证分析。通过对投资规模与经济增长关系的分 析,说明投资波动与经济增长波动有着密切的联系,适度的投资规模是实现社会再生产 良性循环和经济稳定增长的重要条件;通过对投资的主体结构、产业结构和区域结构与 经济增长的相关性分析,阐明投资主体的多元化、投资产业结构的优化及投资区域结构 的合理化有利于促进国民经济协调、高效发展,合理的投资结构是经济结构高级化的前 提,是实现经济可持续增长的重要保证;通过利用有效劳动生产函数模型估计投资对经 济增长的贡献,表明我国经济增长的主动力是物质资本的投入,要实现经济增长方式的 转变,必须依靠技术进步和劳动者素质的提高。在此基础上,预测了我国未来十几年的 经济增长速度和各投入要素的变动趋势,分析了影响我国经济持续增长的支撑与制约因 素,并提出了促进未来经济健康发展的策略。 关键词 投资规模 投资结构 经济增长 I Abstract As a basic factor of influence on economic growth, investment plays an important role in promoting the sustained, stable and coordinated development of economy. This thesis carries out both theoretical and empirical analysis on the relationship between investment and economic growth in the following three aspects: investment scale, investment structure, and the contribution of investment to economic growth. First, the analysis on the relationship between investment scale and economic growth reflects that the fluctuation of investment has a close link with the fluctuation of economic growth, therefore, the moderate investm


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