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PIG PRODUCTION Why pigs? For the gals-they don’t turn into men when they get drunk For the fellas-they have at least 6 pairs of mammary glands They don’t kick or scratch Many opportunities for the “style” of employment The pay is pretty good Pigs are the major red meat consumed world-wide (43%) Diversification-welfare, economics, nutrition, engineering, public health Career opportunities-they will take you around the world! Why not pigs? They smell and bite You may not feel confident at graduation You may want to live in the city You may like one-on-one consulting You may like surgery The Australian industry has its ups and downs You will have to become a strong welfare advocate You may have to travel a lot What happens on the pig farm? The structure of the Australian pig industry 26th in the world 364Kt Carcass Weight vs China 41,600Kt Average slaughter weight increasing 55kg in 1980 … 75kg in 2006 Import mainly from USA, Canada and Denmark Export to Japan, Singapore and NZ We eat 18.8kg pig meat per head Ranked 23rd in the world Vs 77kg in Denmark The Aussie pig industry Number of pig producers is decreasing 49,537 in ’60……2,914 in ’01 Fate of Pig meat in Australia 10/10/04 Overseas markets how they impact us Recent challenges for the Australian industry Low prices High Aussie dollar hindering exports Price competition from imports High feed grain prices (drought) The production system Breeding - about 1 week after weaning Natural mating +/- AI Gestation - about 16 weeks Stalls, pens Farrowing / lactation – 3 to 5 weeks Weaner - 3-10 weeks Grower/finisher - 10-25 weeks Costs of Production - examples Physical performance-efficiency targets: Litters/sow/year: 2.27 Born alive per litter: 11 Herd liveweight feed conversion efficiency 3:1 Growth rate: 600g/d Deaths (10% piglets, 2% weaners, 1% growers) Housing types Indoors Improved feed efficiency Reduced labour costs Outdoors Lower capital costs Perceived as welfare friendly In-between bedded system


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