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一、目的与要求 1、通过参与不同的模拟广告设计比赛的训练,使学生直接面对市场需求,加强了学生社会实践设计能力,激发学生的创作热情。 2、因为有时间限制,要求作品质量高,所以促使学生在一定时间内设计完成,可以在学校期间养成讲求工作效率、注重设计质量的习惯,毕业后更好的适应工作环境。为今后实际设计工作奠定良好基础。 3、在掌握广告设计与制作能力的同时,锻炼学生对色彩搭配的感觉,提高学生的审美能力和创造能力 4、完成“二、设计课题与要求”中的所有设计课题,以小组为单位进行,小组人数以2~4人为宜。 5、课程实训完成后,要求每人提供以下电子文档: (1)根据每人在设计过程中的任务不同,撰写课程实训报告书一份(Word格式),具体格式参看“三、课程设计报告格式”。 (2)答辩时用的演示文稿,设计图都要在内。 二、题: 1、请大家注意实训时间安排,准时参加实训设计,遵守学院考勤制度,不得迟到、早退。实训指导老师每天要进行考勤。如有事必须履行请假手续,写书面请假条,班主任签字同意后,交实训指导老师处。 2、上机时间安排见上表,在2314/15机房进行,时间为上午8:00~11:20。下午2:30~4:.00。如有变动另行通知。 3、规范书写实训报告。实训报告封面可以在实验室的指导老师的课件文件夹里下载。实训报告正文格式请参考信息工程系《毕业设计论文格式要求》,课件文件夹中有下载。 At present, the County personnel totaled 93,000 people, is three times times of 2010. Review the work of the past five years, the County formed to encourage innovation, innovation, participation in innovative atmosphere, a large number of innovations emerging high-level personnel leading the increasingly strong role; innovative idea further innovations gradually expanded from economic to social governance, public safety, intelligence and other areas of urban construction, innovation and talent support becomes increasingly important. Of hard work, the county levels to cherish, continue to consolidate, improve and, for the future development, to remain sober-minded, scientific foresight, courage to play. Under the influence of complicated international and domestic situation, the domestic economic situation, and General Secretary of stability, but downward pressure on large trend of differentiation and deepening of structural adjustment sums up the current situation. From Dongping actual see, Thirteen-Five during, County faced stable economic growth, and deepening structure adjustment of double task, both faced with economic total small, and per capita level low, and industry structure not reasonable, and economic development way extensive, basic situation, more has industry cluster early now prototype, and Park hosted capacity constantly enhanced, and resources traffic


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