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摘 要 体温是人体健康的一个很重要的指标,体温过高或过低都是身体健康异常的信号。传统的测试体温方法,一般是用水银体温计测量体温,水银体温计测量固然十分准确,但是响应时间长,而且会造成环境的严重污染。随着科技的发展,单片机已经广泛的应用到了物理实验、医疗卫生、食品生产各个领域。 本文设计一种基于单片机设计和实现的电子体温计。本设计分为硬件设计和软件设计两个部分,其中硬件设计部分主要包括温度采集电路、显示电路、报警电路,软件设计部分用KEIL作为编程软件,使用C语言进行编程。 本设计采用传感器DS18B20采集人体的温度,经过模数转换后的电信号传输到51单片机,最后再传输到LCD液晶显示器显示。该电子体温计响应时间短,工作稳定,读数方便,测量精度高,当超过人体体温正常值是会发出蜂鸣警报声。并且其中不含汞,不会对环境造成污染,在家庭、医院等场合都能得到广泛应用。 关键词:电子体温计 51单片机 DS18B20 LCD Abstract Temperature is one of the most important indexes of human health, it is too high or too low signal a health exception. Temperature measurement method of traditional, is generally measured body temperature with a mercury thermometer, Mercury thermometer to measure is very accurate, but the long response time, and will cause serious pollution of the environment. With the development of science and technology, MCU has been widely applied to physics experiments, medical and health, food production in various fields. This paper design a kind of electronic temperature meter based on 51 single chip microcomputer.The design is divided into two parts: hardware design and software design, the hardware design mainly includes temperature acquisition circuit, display circuit, alarm circuit and keyboard control circuit, the part of software design uses KEIL as programming software , using C programming language. With sensor DS18B20 collecting temperature of human body, after it transfers to the analog to digital converter, the electrical signal will be transfer to a 51 single chip microcomputer, then transfer to the LCD liquid crystal display. The electronic thermometer with short response time, stable work, convenient reading, high measuring accuracy, when more than the normal human body temperature, it will sound a buzzer alarm. And which does not contain mercury, harmless to the human body and the surrounding environment, particularly suitable for families, hospitals and other occasions. Keyword: Electronic thermometer 51 single chip


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