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毕业设计说明书(论文)中文摘要 支座体是某企业产品中的关键零件之一,本课题要求根据企业生产需要和支座体零件的加工要求,首先完成零件的加工工艺规程设计,在此基础之上,选择其关键工序之一进行专用夹具及加工用组合机床设计,并完成必要的设计计算。本机床所用夹具的通用性强,工件采用液压定位夹紧,快速方便。定位采用一面一心轴的定位方式,夹紧采用液压加紧,采用这种方式完全能够满足精度要求。而且简易方便,制造成本低,通用性好。由于支座体的生产量比较大,为了保证产品质量,提高加工效率,需要对其加工工艺进行优化设计,并在关键工序使用组合机床或专用机床进行加工。 关键词 支座体 零件分析 工艺路线 夹具设计 组合机床 毕业设计说明书(论文)外文摘要 Title Support Body Processing Craft and Critical Process Workclothes Design Abstract The support body is one in some enterprise product crucial elements, this topic request produces according to the enterprise needs with the support body components processing request, first completes the components the processing technological process design, above this foundation, chooses one of its critical processes to carry on the unit clamp and the processing with the aggregate machine-tool design, and completes the essential design calculation. This engine bed uses jig's versatile, the work piece to use the hydraulic pressure localization clamp, fast convenient. The localization uses a spindle's locate mode, the clamp uses the hydraulic pressure to step up at the same time, to select this method definitely to be able to satisfy the accuracy requirement. Moreover simple convenient, the production cost is low, the versatility is good. Because the support body's productivity is quite big, for the quality assurance, raises the processing efficiency, needs to carry on the optimization design to its processing craft, and carries on the processing in the critical process use aggregate machine-tool or the special purpose machine. Keywords Support body Components analysis Craft route Jig design Aggregate machine-tool 目 录 1 绪论 1 1.1 毕业设计目的 1 1.2 毕业设计要求 1 1.3 解决方案和技术路线 1 2 工艺设计 2 2.1 主要技术依据 2 2.2 零件工艺分析 2 2.3 工艺路线选择 3 2.4 工序设计 5 2.5 确定切削用量及基本工时 9 3 夹具设计 16 3.1 夹具的概述 16 3.2 定位元件的选择 18 3.3 夹紧元件的选择 18 4 组合机床总体设计 20 4.1 加工需求分析 20 4.2 组合机床总体方案 21 4.3 机床联系尺寸总图 23 结束语


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