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徐州工程学院毕业设计(论文)  PAGE I 摘要 当电力系统运行的时候,时常会发生各种故障使得系统不能够正常运作,其中短路故障就是最危险也是最普通的的故障。在出现故障时,电力系统必须快速并有选择地去切除出现故障的元件,这时就需要在电器元件上安装继电保护装置来保护,距离保护是一种在继电保护中定位故障点的有效方法。 本文依据输电线路距离保护的基本原理和组成,对距离保护系统中的方向阻抗继电器进行建模,并使用MATLAB/SIMULINK对线路的距离保护建立仿真模型,使距离保护成功仿真。仿真结果表明:对距离保护建立的仿真模型能够被正确运行,且可以正确地表示不一样类型的短路故障并根据所给不一样的故障发出动作信号让断路器跳闸以实现对线路的保护。 关键词 距离保护;方向阻抗继电器;建模;仿真 Abstract When the power system runs, there are often all kinds of fault leading to that the system can’t run correctly. Of all the faults, the most dangerous and most common fault is the short circuit fault. In case of faults, the power system must be fast and selective to remove the component of fault, then you need to install protection devices to protect the electrical components. Distance protection is an effective method to locate the point of fault in the relay. According to the basic principle and structure of distance protection of transmission line, this paper makes a mathematical model of directional impedance relay in the distance protection and uses SIMULINK to establish a distance protection simulation model of transmission line in MATLAB. It makes the three-stage distance protection emulation realize. Simulation results show that: the three-stage distance protection simulation model can run correctly, and correctly represent different kinds of short circuit fault . According to the different kinds of fault, it can also send the correct signal to make the breaker disconnect so that it can protect the transmission line. Keywords Distance protection Directional Impedance Relay Modeling SIMULINK 徐州工程学院毕业设计(论文) Ⅰ 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u   HYPERLINK \l _Toc9932 1 绪论  PAGEREF _Toc9932 1  HYPERLINK \l _Toc28459 1.1 本课题的背景和意义  PAGEREF _Toc28459 1  HYPERLINK \l _Toc26230 1.2 国内外研究现状  PAGEREF _Toc26230 1  HYPERLINK \l _Toc31503 1.3 本文的主要内容  PAGEREF _Toc31503 3  HYPERLINK \l _Toc19140 2 距离保护  PAGEREF _Toc19140 4  HYPERLINK \l _Toc31829 2.1距离保护的基本原理和构成  PAGEREF _Toc31829 4



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