旅游英语课件 第二部分.ppt

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旅游英语课件 第二部分

1.黄浦江游览是上海旅游观光中的一个传统旅游项目,它的特殊之处不仅在于黄浦江是上海的母亲河,还在于它融汇了上海景观。 2.从这里你可以看到上海的过去、现在,更可以展望上海辉煌灿烂的明天。 3.两座大桥像两条巨龙横卧于江上,中间是东方明珠电视塔,恰好构成了一副“二龙戏珠”的美丽画卷。 4.黄浦江两岸一栋栋风格迥异、充满异域风情的建筑与黄浦江东岸一座座拔地而起耸入云间的现代高楼相互辉映,令人叹为观止。;Touring Jiangsu; where the great thinker is worshipped. Night cruise on the river and visiting the night fair at the Confucian Temple are unique tourist programs available for visitors to Nanjing. The mausoleum for Sun Yat-sen, forerunner of Chinese democratic revolution, was built during the 1926-1929 period. The entire layout, covering 80,000 square meters, takes the shape of a giant bell. A famous Buddhist establishment, the Linggu Temple 2 km east of Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum is known for its 22m-high Wuliang (beamless) Hall, constructed without a single inch of wood of wood, pillar; or beam. Ming Xiaoling Mausoleum built for Zhu Yuanzhang, the founder of the Ming Dynasty, is one of the largest ancient imperial tombs in China. The Yangtze River Bridge in Nanjing is very famous and impressive.;Yangzhou, situated at the juncture of the Yangtze River and the Grand Canal, has made a name for itself with a wealth of sites of historical interest and elegant gardens. These include the Lean West Lake (actually a natural waterway feeding mountain runoffs into the Grand Canal), Geyuan Garden( whose forte长处 is artificial rockwork天然岩石群假山), and Lesser Pangu Garden. During their repeated visits to Yangzhou, emperors Kangxi and Qianlong left a succession of historical sites on the land of Yangzhou. This has prompted local travel agencies to invent the “Emperor Qianlong Cruise”, which transports visitors to a string of local attractions. Cruise on the ancient Grand Canal is another popular;tourist program. Other places worth seeing are: Tianning Temple Museum, Daming Temple, Monk Jianzhen Memorial Hall, and Memorial Hall of Eight Yangzhou Eccentrics.;名都南京 [导游词] 南京为十朝故都,其风光之美,正如孙中山先生所言,在于“其有高山、有深水、有平原,三种天工,钟毓一处,在世界之大都市,诚难觅此佳境也。”远在清代,南京已有“金陵四十八景”闻名于世。而今,人们可游览之处更加多了。除大江风光带、雨花


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