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第三部分 高频话题写作指南 学校生活;写作导图 学校生活相关话题的书面表达在全国所有试题中占的比例较大,特别是2014年中考作文中,考查学校生活类的书面表达占有绝对数量。根据此类试题的命题特点和规律来看,主要有以下4个命题角度:; 1.学生的学习生活; 2.学校的体育运动及课外活动; 3.学校的安全教育; 4.学校的校纪校规。;分析山西真题可以看出山西书面表达对学生生活的考查以第一种命题角度为主,包括对同学的评价以及学习方式的介绍。;评价同学:;小组合作学习:;亮点句型速成 常用句型:She is a hard-working girl. She always gets good grades in the exams. 推荐句型:She always gets good grades in the exams, because she is a hard-working girl.;常用句型:Studying in group is popular. Many middle schools have taken steps to use it. 推荐句型:Studying in group is popular so that many middle schools have taken steps to use it.;常用句型:She spends most of her time on studying. She wants to be a good student. 推荐句型:①She spends most of her time on studying, for she wants to be a good student with good grades. ②She spends most of her time on studying in order to be a good student with good grades.;(一)开头句 1. Studying in groups has been a popular way of learning in many middle schools. (二)中间句 2.She put forward a suggestion calling on all the kids to give away pocket money to the unlucky girl.;3.She not only gave away her own pocket money but also called on others to raise money for her. 4.Another time, she saw an old granny crossing the street, but she was too old to see clearly the traffic lights. 5.I still remember when I was in Grade 8, my physics was very poor. I had a really hard time with it.;(三)结尾句 6. In a word, she is a warm-hearted girl. 7. I get more confidence with my classmates’ help. 8. It also gives me more chances to improve myself in many ways. (常用词汇见本书“28天话题词汇分类速记表”话题(七)情感与情绪、话题(八)人际交往);典例剖析 例1(2013山西) 某班一个小组正在进行阶段性同伴互评活动,如果你是该组组长,请结合本组讨论情况,为本组某位同学写一份激励性评价报告,内容须包括以下要点:;●the skill/the advantage/the personal quality the student has ●one thing the student did ●some advice for the student 要求:1.词数80词左右; 2.不得出现真实的人名、校名。;【审题指导】细读所给的文字提示,可以提取以下信息: 1.写作对象是组内的某位同学,行文用第三人称。 2.时态以一般现在时态为主,讲述过去的事情时,用过去时态。 3.写作内容必须包含他/她性格特点和他/她所做过的具体事情以及对他/她的评价。 4.词数为80词左右,不得出现真实的人名、校名等。;【高分范文】 Han Me


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