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15级学前 Narrator: Many years ago there lived an emperor. He was very fond of new clothes that he spent all his money in order to obtain them; his only wish was to always be well dressed. He had a coat for every hour of the day. One day, the Emperor said (to Soldiers): 旁白: 很久以前有一个皇帝,他非常喜欢新衣服,因此他把他所有的钱都花在衣服上,他唯一的愿望就是每时每刻都能穿得很漂亮。在一天里,他每个钟头都要换一套新的衣服。有一天,皇帝对士兵说…… Emperor:Are there any new things about clothes today? 皇帝:今天有没有有关新衣服的消息? Soldier-A:Today man came to our city. They said they were the best weavers in the world. 士兵A:今天有两个人来到我们的城市,他们说自己是世界上最好的织工。 Soldier-B:And that they could produce the finest cloth, which was not only beautiful, but the clothes couldn’t be seen to any man who stupid. 士兵B: 他们还说他们能织出最美丽的布。这些布不仅仅非常好看,而且用它缝出来的衣服,凡是愚蠢的人都看不见。 Emperor:That must be wonderful cloth, if I dress in a suit made of this cloth, I can find out which men are unfit for their places or stupid. I must ask them to weave for me right now. 皇帝:这一定是非常奇异的布,如果我能够穿上这种布做成的衣服,我就能够找出我的王国里哪些人是不称职的,哪些人是愚蠢的,我要叫他们马上织出这种布。 Emperorto soldier-A:Find them and ask them make cloth for me. 皇帝对士兵A:把他们找来叫他们来给我织布。 Soldier-A:Yes, right away. 士兵A:好的,我立刻去。 Emperorto soldier-B:Set up two rooms for them. 皇帝对士兵B:准备两间房子给他们。 Soldier-B:Yes, right away. 士兵B:是的,我立刻去做。 Narrator: The two weavers were asked to work in the two new rooms. They pretended to be very hard at work, but they did nothing whatever in the rooms. They asked for the finest silk and the most precious gold-cloth, and worked in the empty rooms till late at night. 旁白: 两个织工被叫到两间新房子工作。他们假装努力工作,实际上却什么都没有做。他们要求找来最好的丝绸和最贵的金纺布料,假装在那些空房间里工作到深夜。 Emperor:I should very much like to know how they are getting on with the cloth. But if I can not see it, I am stupid. I don't want that. I must send somebody else to look. 皇帝:我很想知道他们的织布究竟织得怎样了。但如果我看不见的话,那就说明我是愚蠢的人。我不能这样做,我应该先派一个人去看看。 Emperor to the old minister:You an honest man. So I want you to take a look at my new cloth and report back to me. 皇帝对老大臣说:你是个诚实聪明的人,所以我派你去看一看我的新布料,然后向我汇报。 Old Minister:Yes,


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