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PK1:Free talk 1.What is the special( 特殊的 ) day? 2.Which month is it in? 3.How do we celebrate it? 4.What kind of traditional(传统的)food do we eat? Display form(展示形式) : 1.Two students ask and answer 2. A student make it into an article Different countries have different special days Pk2:Skimming 1.庆祝 8.使……混合 2.传统的 3.漂泊者 4.是做某事的时间 5.用……遮盖 6.把……切成薄片 7.用….把…填满 PK3:detailed reading PK4: Choosable task(可选择的任务) 1.Retell(复述) it according to these questions em:There is a special day in the United States,it is in the forth Thursday of….. 2.Make a cooking TV Show about making turkey 3.Make a dialogue em:A :Hey ,XXX,do you know thanksgiving? B: Of course ,it is a special day in the United States A:When is the day? B:… PK5:First-Answer Special customs in England 英国的独特风俗 Pancake Races People hold pancake races all over English in February. Everyone can join in the race. People run to the finishing line with a pan in their hand. When they are running, they have to flip (抛) the pancake in the pan. The most famous pancake race takes place at Olney. The Olney Pancake Race is world-famous. Only the housewives there can join in it, and they must wear an apron (围裙) and a hat or scarf. Well Dressing People hold Well Dressing from May to late September. People decorate the wells, spring or other water sources (源头) with pictures. The pictures are made of growing things, such as flowers, seeds, beans, grass, leaves and tree barks (树皮). This old custom is the most popular and colorful one at Derbyshire. Scarecrow Festival Scarecrow (稻草人) Festival is in mid-August. During that time, people make and show scarecrows around the village. It is a very popular festival. Lord Mayor’s Show The Lord Mayor’s Show takes place in London on the second Saturday in November. People have a parade (游行) this day. It’s one of the longest and best-known events in London. ( )1. _____is he


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