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水基硼系咪唑啉型多功能添加剂的制备 环境工程与化学系 陆艮雷 指导老师 王永刚 摘 要 在实验室的条件下制备了一种水溶性的硼酸二乙醇胺酯,即水基硼咪唑啉型多功能添加剂, 该物质是一种多功能添加剂具有优良的抗磨、抗氧、抗腐蚀作用。本文通过试验研究介绍了硼酸酯的种类、合成、N-(β-氨乙基)-γ-氨丙基三甲氧基硅烷Water-based boron imidazoline multifunctional additive preparation ABSTRACT Prepared under laboratory conditions, a water-soluble boric acid diethanolamine ester and β-hydroxyethyl ethylenediamine ester, i.e.,water-based boron imidazoline multifunctional additive, the substance is a multifunctional additive having excellent antiwear, antioxidant, anti-corrosion effect. In this paper, experimental research, introduced the borate species, synthesis, application and so on. First studied diethanolamine borate ester, boric acid, diethanolamine, or β-hydroxyethyl ethylenediamine as reactants, toluene as a solvent, water of reaction by detecting the amount and the detection result of the infrared detector to determine the diethanolamine borate ester synthesis optimum; then use this product with a ratio of sebacic acid according to the different preparation, different ratios were measured solubility in water, to obtain borate ester with sebacic acid diethanolamine complex of optimal ratio, and a silane coupling agent, namely the use of the complex, respectively, and water, N-(β-aminoethyl)-γ-aminopropyl trimethoxy silane and the aqueous solution was measured by a water-soluble boric acid ester of diethanolamine, further enhance the water-based boron additives used in the production process of corrosion resistance, oxidation resistance and abrasion resistance and so on. Keywords:Water-based multifunctional additive boron imidazoline Best process Water-soluble Silane-modified 目录 前 言 1 第1章 绪论 3 1.1 硼酸酯的简介 3 1.2 硼酸酯的性质 3 1.3 硼酸酯的重要应用 3 1.3.1 润滑油减摩抗磨添加剂 4 1.3.2 防腐剂 5 1.3.3 聚合物添加剂 6 1.3.4 表面活性剂 6 1.3.5 防锈剂 6 1.4 硼酸酯的贮存 7 1.5 水基硼酸酯的发展与推广 7 1.6 水基硼酸酯的硅烷改性 8 1.7 本课题的研究与创新 10 第2章 实验部分 12 2.1 主要试剂及仪器 12 2.2 水基硼系咪唑啉型添加剂的合成方法 12 2.3 两种产物的水溶性测试 14 2.4 红外光谱测试 15 2.4.1 样品硅烷化处理 16 2.4.2 红外光谱仪测试 18 第3章


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