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科技写作与文献检索论文 贵州大学实验室烟叶氮磷钾含量测定意义的探究 学 号:1309010232 姓 名:李洪祥 班 级:土规132 年 级:2013级 专 业:农业资源与环境 指导老师:文雪峰 2015年11月18贵州大学实验室烟叶氮磷钾含量测定意义的探究李洪祥摘 要:烟草业是我国的重要产业,且烟叶为烟草工业的原料。良好的烟叶质量,不仅能产出优质烟卷,博得广大吸烟爱好者的追求,而且优质烟叶相对之下也减轻了有害物质的积累,含氮物质的减少有利于烟卷气味的提高,钾促进烟叶燃烧完全,利于点燃等等。笔者将烟叶样品进行消煮,制成待测液,开氏定氮法[1],钼黄比色法,火焰光度计法分别测定烟叶中氮磷钾含量,并结合各组数据,进行数据统计分析,得出样品产地的烟叶氮磷钾含量的准确数据,探讨此次测定的意义所在,为该烟叶的产商、供应商、周围烟叶产区提供烟叶重要元素含量的动态资料,以助相关部门结合土壤的情况提出相应的施肥计划,以便于获得优质高产的烟叶。关键词:贵州大学 氮磷钾含量 测定意义 烟叶质量 Study on the content of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in Laboratory of Guizhou UniversityAbstract:Tobacco industry is an important industry of our country, and it is the raw material of tobacco industry. Tobacco quality is good, not only can produce high quality cigarette smoking, won the majority of fans and pursuit of high quality tobacco in contrast but also reduce the accumulation of harmful substances, is conducive to improve cigarette odor reducing nitrogen, potassium promote tobacco burning completely, to ignite and so on. The tobacco samples were digested, made of liquid, macro Kjeldahl method, molybdenum yellow colorimetry, nitrogen phosphorus and potassium content in tobacco leaves were determined by flame photometry, combined with statistical data and statistical data analysis, accurate data of nitrogen and phosphorus content of potassium in leaf samples was obtained from the study of the determination. The significance of dynamic data of the tobacco producers, suppliers, around the tobacco producing areas provide important elements in tobacco leaves, put forward the corresponding fertilization plan to help with the soil, in order to produce high quality and high yield of cigarettes.Key words:Content of N, P and K Significance of determination quality of tobacco Guizhou University烟叶产量和品质的形成是烟株体内 一系列代谢活动综合作用的结果,受品种、生态因素、栽培管理措施和调制技术等多方面的影响,其中养分调节是人们有效调控烟叶产量和质量的主要手段,一直是国内外研究的热点。氮是植物的主要营养元素,它的多少和种类影响烟株的生长发育以及烟叶内在化学成分的协调。氮素在烟株生长发育过程中起着重要作用,特别是对烤烟产量、品质影响很大,可直接影响烟叶内在成分的积累。文献表明,氮素积累与烟碱合成呈显


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