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1. 杏仁外侧核LTP的诱导表达过程中AMPA受体的表面表达增加 2.3. 杏仁外侧核LTD的诱导表达过程中AMPA受体的表面表达减少 Summary: NMDA receptors contribute to Long-term potentiation (LTP) and long-term depression (LTD) in the lateral amygdala LTP的诱导产生伴随细胞表面AMPA受体的表达数目的增加; LTD的诱导产生伴随细胞表面AMPA受体的表达数目的减少 ; The following work…. Are the different mechanisms of LA LTP induction dependent on different protocols? What is the role of NR2 Receptor in fear conditioning behavior test? 复 习 题 名词解释:突触可塑性 思考题:简述学习的分类并以海马为例叙述一种学习记忆过程的神经机制。 * ; NR2B antagonist Ro25-6981 can’t block the induction of LTP 2. LTD requires NR2B-containing NMDARs NR2A antagonist NVP can’t block the induction of LTD Summary 2: The distinct NMDARs of different subunit composition have critical roles in determining the polarity of synaptic plasticity. The activation of NR2A-containing NMDARs leads to LTP formation; while the activation of NR2B-containing NMDARs produces LTD. (二)Role of AMPA Receptors in LTP/LTD induction NMDA-R AMPA-R Glu AMPA NMDA 20 ms NMDA AMPA 20 pA Long-Term Potentiation control Hypothesis: Time-dependent postsynaptic AMPA GluR1 /2 receptor recruitment in the cingulate synaptic potentiation Bidirectional hippocampal synaptic plasticity 推测对突触后膜上的AMPA受体数目进行调控是突触可塑性改变的有效途径。 TeTx prevent the expression of LTP in LA GluR2-3Y prevent the LTD expression in LA A rapid increase of AMPAR surface expression is responsible for the rise of transmission efficacy during LTP ; while a rapid endocytotic–dependent decrease in the number of surface AMPARs accounts for LTD expression . NMDAR mediated AMPAR trafficking is at least one of the mechanisms for the expression of LTP and LTD Summary 以 上 研究结 果 显 示: NR2A和NR2B亚基在LTP/ LTD的诱导发生中亦发挥不同作用 ; NR2B亚基的激活导致LTD的诱导发生 ; 而NR2A亚基非LTD的诱导发生所必需; 膜融合介导的突触后囊泡分泌过程参与LTP的表达; AMPA受体的调节性内吞过程参与LTD的表达 结 论 长时程增强(LTP)和长时程减弱(LTD)现象的存在,与记忆有关的神经突触在功能上具有一定的可塑性; LTP/LTD主要为NMDA依赖性的突触过程,需要NMDA受体的激活; 不同亚基组成的NMDA受体 在突触可塑性调节的极性方面具有重要作用; 含有NR2A亚基的NMDA受体激活导致LTP的形成,而含有NR2B亚基的NMDA受体激活导致LTD ; LTP的诱


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