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16.(2009·江苏南京模拟)Tom,Jack and Rose were named as assistant professors.Believe it or not, three of them were of age. A./;an B./;the C.the;an D.the;the  答案 C  解析 the three of them他们三人,指总共就 有三人。three of them 他们中的三人;of后可 跟a(n)/the same age/shape/colour等具体名 词,也可跟importance/value/help等抽象名词。 17.(2009·江苏重点中学模拟)Hong Kong has a lot of advantages,including free flow of information,a fair competitive environment and efficient local government.  A.the;an B./;the C./;an D.the;the  答案 C  解析 information为不可数名词,所以前面不 加冠词;an efficient local government一个 高效率的当地政府。 18.(2009·江西九校模拟)Linda gave us a vivid of her trip to Mount Lu Shan after her return. A.account B.explanation C.imagination D.idea  解析 考查名词词义辨析。句意为:琳达回来 后向我们生动地讲述了她去庐山旅行的情景。 account叙述,说明;explanation解释; imagination想像;idea想法,思想。 A 19.(2009·辽宁实验中学模拟)It is privilege to make a speech here and out of respect I’d like to introduce my advisor first. A.a;a B.a;/ C./;a D.the;a  答案 B  解析 考查冠词用法。privilege意为“特权,优 惠,特殊的荣幸”,是可数名词,此处表泛指意 义,故第一空填a;out of respect (for sb.) 出于(对某人的)尊敬,不用冠词。 20.(2009·皖南八校模拟) In 1768, commander of the Endeavour,James Cook,met Joseph Banks,who was appointed president of the Royal Society 10 years ago.  A./;/ B.the;/ C.the;the D./;the  答案 B  解析 表示官职、头衔等的名词用作句子中的表 语、同位语和补足语时,前面通常不用冠词,如 第二空(用作主语补足语),但用作主语或宾语 时则要用冠词,如第一空。 21.(2008·合肥教学质量检测)According to recent reports,one of the rare animals, crocodile, is in danger of dying out. A.a;the B./;a C./;the D.the;/  答案 D  解析 考查冠词。第一空用the,表类别;第二空 in danger of是固定短语,意思是“处于……的 危险中”,因此本题选D。 22. (2008·南京调研)It is still believed that graduate from



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