Unit Four Wildlife Protection3.ppt

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Unit Four Wildlife Protection3.ppt

Wildlife Protection What’s happening? Reasons of wild animals rare/ endangered : * 调兵山市第一高中 教师:孙琳琳 The birds are looking for food peacefully; The bird is killed by a hunter . The bears are walking in the woods, happily; A bear is trapped in the cage. He looks very sad. a green thick forest The forest has been destroyed. Why are they rare/ endangered? the loss of food 2. too much hunting 3. living areas/ environment being destroyed decrease: 1). (v) (cause to) become shorter,smaller, less. eg. The traffic accidents in the city decreased last year. 2).(n)the process of decreasing. a decrease in sth: 在某方面的减少 There is a sharp decrease in the number of people depending on TVs. decrease to: 减少到 The number of the students in that school decreased to 2000 last year . decrease by:减少了 The amount of the coal has been decreased by 20℅ Words and expressions 3. die out: disappear completely e.g. This kind of bird has died out. Differ: 1). die away: (sound, wind, or light…) becomes weaker and finally stops e.g. The noise of the cars died away. 2). die off :先后死去;(草木)先后枯死 As a result of the lack of water, the leaves of this plant are dying off. 1.Scientists haven’t figured out how the dinosaur (恐龙) 2.The plants in this area are ; people suspect that the cause lies in water pollution. died out . died off Questions : 1. What problems are some wild animals in China facing? a. the loss of food b. too much hunting 2. What have we done to solve the problem? a. to set up nature reserve and protection zone a. The number of rare animals has risen. 3. How have things changed since China took action to protect wild animals? in the pandas they do not have enough food . The problem Face in China is that To solve this problem , China has set up a protection zone Sichuan Province for the pandas . It is called Wolong Nature Reserve . Thanks to the effort, things hav


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