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UNIT2 THE OLYMPIC GAMES Knowledge Goals:独立加合作15-16分钟ms Go over and grasp the basic knowledge: words, phrases , important sentences and the future passive voice. Ability goals:独立加合作16-17 分钟ms Improve your abilities to use the important language points and the future passive voice correctly. Emotion goal: Strengthen your sense of group cooperation. Step1 Tests of words ,phrases and sentences (6-10ms )独立在前+合作在后 WORDS: The Chinese team won 32 gold m in the Athens Olympic Games. Many college students offer to be v for the 29th Olympic Games. The c from different countries in the world will c for their countries. The head of the large company has many (职责). Can anything (取代) a mother’s love and care? The restaurant c us much money for the wine yesterday. He was f $ 50 for passing red lights at a crossing . The first letter of P.E. stands for p . It was very (愚蠢) of you to park the car near the store. 10.The (古代)Olympic Games don’t allow women to take part in. Phrases: Translations 参加 6.pick up 和---竞争,比赛 7.每四/几年 为---竞争,比赛 8.实际上,事实上 主管;负责 9.作为---被接受 和某人达成协议 10. 在---中起重要作用 Sentences: 1.Tom didn’t go to school , (我也没去). 2.It is wet .It _____________last night.(一定下雨了) 3. He was driving ( 他开车如此快,以至于停不下来). 4. I didn’t come back until my mother called me . (not until强调句改写) _______ 5. Our car is twice as expensive as yours.(翻译成汉语) 6. Don’t worry about that .It (finish) next week.(补全句子) Step 2 Finding and consolidating the difficult and important points: (5-6ms) 独立在前+合作在后 1. 归纳拓展:It +be+被强调部分+that/who+句子剩余部分 1) do/does/did +V原“的确/确实---” 2) is/was提前 3) 强调句的一般疑问句只需把is/was提前,特殊疑问句在一般疑问句前面加上特殊疑问词 4) not untilIt is/was not until +…+that+句子剩余部分。” 5) isn’t it /wasnt i


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