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三大版本期中知识点 一、外研版知识点 知识点 真题回放 1.play后面跟运动没有定冠词、跟乐器有定冠词。(外研版) 1. (166中学2010) He likes ______. A. to play the tennis B. play the tennis C. playing the tennis D. playing tennis 2. (景山中学2010) Can he play ______ basketball? A. a B. an C. / D. the 3. (湖北宜昌一学2010) The girl can play ______ piano. A. a B. an C. / D. the 2. 表示说的区别:say, speak, tell, talk(外研版) say+sth. speak+语言 tell:告诉 tell sb to do sth /tell sb sth talk with sb.与某人谈论 1. (十一中学2010) He can ______ English. A. speak B. say C. tell D. talk 2.(山东潍坊一中2010) I want to _______ my mother I love her. A. speak B. talk C. tell D. say 3.(西城外国语2010) He ______ that he want to be a doctor in the future. A. says B. speaks C. tells D. talks 3. 有无冠词意义不同的词组 in hospital(生病) 和 in the hospital(未生病)等(外研版) at the school(不一定是学生) at school(学生) go to bed(睡觉) go to the bed(走向床边) in class(上课) in the class(在班里) 1. (齐齐哈尔一中2010) The old man was ill in ______ hospital. A. the B. a C. an D. / 2. (陈经纶中学2010) Tom is a student. He is at______ school today. A. the B. / C. a D. an 3. (上地实验2009) It’s time for sleep, Marry will go to ______ bed.(10年湖南襄樊中考试题) A. the B. a C. an D. / 4. 表示家的区别:home, house, family(外研版) home=family+ house 1.Amay is from a larger ______ . A. family B. home C. house 2. He invited us to his new______. A. family B. home C. house 3. (丰台一中2008) Don’t say at _______. A. house B. home C. garden D. family 5. 国人变复数:中日不变英法变,其余S加后面(外研版) 2 Chinese 2 Japanese 2 Englishmen\ Frenchmen 2 Americans 1. (14中2010) When I travel in Japan I meet many______. A. Japans B. Japanese C. Japaneses D. Japan 2. More and more ______ like to keep their money in the bank. A. China B. Chinese C. Chineses D. Chinas 3. There are a large number of ______ in Beijing now. A. American B. Americans C. Chineses D. Japan 6.th


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