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竞选班长英文演讲稿100字 第1篇:竞选班长的演讲稿100字 敬爱的老师、亲爱的同学们: 大家好!今天我很荣幸站在这里和这么多强手竞争。我想竞选班长这个职位。 如果我当上了班长,我会更加严格要求自己,让自己做得更好,成为大家的榜样。也让班级更好,成为全年级的佼佼者。当然,如果大家对我不满意,或者我有什么做得不对之处,欢迎大家能给我指出。 谢谢大家! 第2篇:竞选班长的演讲稿100字 亲爱的老师同学们: 这次,班里要选班干部,我也参加了竞选,而且竞选的职位是班长。 请同学们尽管放心,我一定会和大家团结在一起,共同进步。 我之所以竞选班长,是因为我有能力做好这个一班之长。请大家相信我,投出你神圣的一票吧!我会尽到一个班长的职责,为同学们服务好的! 第3篇:竞选班长的演讲稿100字 尊敬的谢老师,亲爱的同学们: 大家好!我要竞选班长,我的理由如下: 自从入小学以来,我一直是我们班的路队长。我工作认真负责,每次放学我认真带好队。每次升旗和做操时,我负责举班牌,我认真举好牌,为班级形象争光。 第4篇:竞选班长的演讲稿100字 老师,同学们: 你们好,我是xxx,我想竞选一下咱们班的班长。我觉得身为一个班长,最重要的是有一颗服务和负责的心,服务是为班级同学服务。负责是对班级事务的负责。当然还有就是配合老师的工作,把咱们的班集体带领成一个和谐的大家庭。 请同学们相信我并支持我,给我这个机会。 Hello English education three if there is anyone out there still doubt that our class is a place where all things are possible, who still wonders if the dream of our class is alive in our time, who still questions the ability, this morning . It? s the answer told by all girls and boys ,because they believe that this time must be different, that your voices could be that difference. It?s the answer told by all the families, because they believe that this time must be of historical significance. It?s the answer told by English education three . And we are , and always will be, English education three .and we are a family. Even as we sit here this morning , there are students here waiting to change. There will be new regulation to adhere to , new activities to do ,new alliance to build for us . The road ahead us will be long, our climb will be steep. we may not get there in one month or even in one term. But English education three, I have never been more hopeful than I am tonight that we will get there. It?s a time that we can built a harmonious family together , because we all have experience to enlarge our family. You have joined a lot of activities , and I have been working in the students Union for two years .what is important is that you have watched my process of my gro


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