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CHAPTER SIX RAILWAY AND TRANSPORT 6.1 Evolution of the Railway 6.1.1 Historical Outline a sketchy summary of the main points of an argument or theory Since the dawn of human activity, the quick and safe transportation of people and goods has been a constant goal of every organized society. It is generally acknowledged, that the foundation innovations in the development of transportation included the discovery of the wheel, the railway and the airplane. Railway trains in their present form first made their appearance at the beginning of the 19th century in British mines. Their main characteristic is the guided movement of wheels by the track through metal-to-metal contact. However, the forerunners of the railway appeared much earlier than the 19th century. Movement of carriages四轮马车 or wagons用运货马车运输货物 on metal guides is illustrated in a 1550 gravure(影印版a printing plate used in the process of gravure found in Basel(巴塞尔a city in northwestern Switzerland, Switzerland, which shows transportation methods employed in the mines of Alsace (a region of northeastern France famous for its wines), The guided movement of carriages in general was already known in Roman times, as witnessed by grooves细槽,凹槽 carved雕刻 in the stone pavement to facilitate and speed up the movement of carriages. Railway and Other Competing Transportation Means Times has changed, however, what was impressive in the early 20th century, was the reduced satisfaction with railways. Airplanes and private cars私家车;私人小汽车 have been offering transportation alternatives at every scale, which has given the pressure of competition, the railway had to modernize and improve, especially as regards speed ,reduction of transportation costs and better organization and improvement of the services offered. Hence, we come to the era of high-speed trains (Fig. 6. I, Fig. 6. 2) operating at 250~~300km/h (a speed of 515km/h was attained by French Railway in 1990 in test runs), combined transport (combined rail-road transportation)


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