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New Horizon College English Book 2 Unit 5 我记得有一次全家聚会,当时我女儿才两岁,他抱了她一会儿,好让我有时间给他俩拍张照片。 I remembered once, at a family reunion, when my daughter was two, that my father picked her up for a minute—long enough for me to photograph them. New Horizon College English Book 2 Unit 5 Sb. remember once, at …, when …, that … 某人记得有一次······,当时······,······ 用于叙述“某人记忆中的一次经历” 。 New Horizon College English Book 2 Unit 5 我记得有一次班务会, 当时我在上初中二年级, 老师点名批评了我。 I remember once, at a class meeting, when I was in the second grade of junior middle school, that the teacher criticized me by name. New Horizon College English Book 2 Unit 5 那些本应该花在食物上的钱却流进了烟草公司。 … money that should be spent for food goes instead to the tobacco companies. New Horizon College English Book 2 Unit 5 Sth. that should be done for … go instead to sth. else. 本应用于······的东西却······ 用于表述“该做的没有做,不该做的却做了 ”。 New Horizon College English Book 2 Unit 5 他本应该花在追求知识上的时间却用来寻欢作乐了。 His time that should be spent for knowledge learning goes instead to pleasure seeking. New Horizon College English Book 2 Unit 5 我记得自己怀孕时,吃东西的时候是多么小心啊! 之后在教她如何安全穿过马路时,又是多么耐心啊! 有时我纳闷:自己这样做到底是为了什么? 难道是为了她今后大半辈子有气无力地挣扎着呼吸,然后再像她外公那样自己把自己毒死吗? I remember how carefully I ate when I was pregnant, how patiently I taught my daughter how to cross a street safely. For what, I sometimes wonder; so that she can struggle to breathe through most of her life feeling half her strength, and then die of self-poisoning, as her grandfather did? New Horizon College English Book 2 Unit 5 Sb. do sth. But for what, sb. sometimes wonder; so that…?某人做某事。但有时某人纳闷,这样做到底是为了什么?难道是为了······ ? 用于表述“某人对自己行为的困惑 ”。 New Horizon College English Book 2 Unit 5 我对孩子总是有求必应。但有时我纳闷,自己这样做究竟是为了什么?难道就是使孩子越来越自私吗? I never deny my child anything on demand. But for what, I sometimes wonder; so that I can make my child more and more selfish? New Horizon College English Book 2 Unit 5 我特别喜欢一条写在受伤害女人收容所里的语录:“人间平安,始于家庭。” There is a quota


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