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介词及固定搭配 1. be + adj. + prep.   be good at, be afraid of, be anxious about (of), be kind to, be fit for, etc.   2. be + v.-ed + prep.   be satisfied with, be worried about, be surprised at, be pleased at (by)   3. v. + prep.   agree with (to / on), apologize for, arrive at (in), believe in, depend on   4. v. + n. + prep.   pay attention to, take part in, make use of, have a word with   5. v. + adv. + prep.   go on with, go in for, go ahead with, keep up with, make up for   6. prep. + n. + prep.   in charge of, in time of, in place of, on top of, at the end (edge) of   7. out of + n.   out of breath, out of control, out of date, out of sight, out of work (order)   8. n. + after + n.   hour after hour, year after year, battle after battle, defeat after defeat   9. n. + by + n.   step by step, side by side, one by one   10. n. + to + n.   face to face, heart to heart   11. n. + in + n.   hand in hand, arm in arm   12. from + n. + to + n.   from side to side, from place to place, from door to door   13. a + n. + of   a bit of, a great deal of, a few of, a drop of, a line of   14. with + n.   with a long history, with satisfaction (care), with pleasure, with one’s help   15. on + n.   on a trip (journey), on a visit (to), on fire, on business, on sale, on watc   on the team, on show, on duty, on foot   16. without + n.   without help, without mercy, without delay   17. in + n.   in silence, in danger (trouble, surprise, fear), in high spirits, in love (return) + n.   as a matter of fact, as a rule, as a whole   19. by + n.   by now (then), by hand, by mistake, by this means, by chance, by the year   20. at + n.   at sea, at sunset, at Christmas, at the doctor’s, at the station, at a time   21. for + n.   for a moment, for a time, for ever, for example   22. to + n. (… + to )   to one’s delight (joy, surprise), to the east (west), to the right, due to,   thanks to, according to, to this day    1 WITH   (1)v+with   (a) v+with   begin, mix, agree, deal, fight


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