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医疗器械中英文对照--麻醉学器械 Anesthesiology Devices (《联邦规章典集》第21篇第868部[21CFR868]) 目录 节号 中译文 原英文 A亚部――总则(General Provisions) 868.1 范围 Scope 868.3 有关上市前批准生效日期的要求 Effective dates of requirement for premarket approval 868.9 联邦食品、药品和化妆品法(Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act,FDCA)第510(k)节的豁免限制 Limitations of exemptions from section 510 k of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act the act B亚部――诊断器械(Diagnostic Devices) 868.1030 手动痛觉计 Manual algesimeter 868.1640 电动痛觉计 Powered algesimeter 868.1075 氩气分析仪 Argon gas analyzer 868.1100 动脉血取样工具箱 Arterial blood sampling kit 868.1120 心内血氧基血红素浓度分析仪 Indwelling blood oxyhemoglobin concentration analyzer 868.1150 心内血二氧化碳分压 PCO2 分析仪 Indwelling blood carbon dioxide partial pressure PCO2 analyzer 868.1170 心内血氢离子浓度 pH 分析仪 Indwelling blood hydrogen ion concentration pH analyzer 868.1200 心内血氧分压 PO2 分析仪 Indwelling blood oxygen partial pressure PO2 analyzer 868.1400 二氧化碳气体分析仪 Carbon dioxide gas analyzer 868.1430 一氧化碳气体分析仪 Carbon monoxide gas analyzer 868.1500 安氟醚气体分析仪 Enflurane gas analyzer 868.1575 气体收集容器 Gas collection vessel 868.1620 氟烷气体分析仪 Halothane gas analyzer 868.1640 氦气分析仪 Helium gas analyzer 868.1670 氖气分析仪 Neon gas analyzer 868.1690 氮气分析仪 Nitrogen gas analyzer 868.1700 一氧化二氮气体分析仪 Nitrous oxide gas analyzer 868.1720 氧气分析仪 Oxygen gas analyzer 868.1730 耗氧量计算机 Oxygen uptake computer 868.1750 压力体积描记器 Pressure plethysmograph 868.1760 容量描记器 Volume plethysmograph 868.1780 吸气呼吸道压力计 Inspiratory airway pressure meter 868.1800 鼻气流计 Rhinoanemometer 868.1840 诊断用肺活量计 Diagnostic spirometer 868.1850 监测用肺活量计 Monitoring spirometer 868.1860 肺活量测定用最大气流量计 Peak-flow meter for spirometry 868.1870 气体容积定标器 Gas volume calibrator 868.1880 肺功能数据计算器 Pulmonary-function data calculator 868.1890 预测用肺功能值计算器 Predictive pulmonary-function value calculator 868.1900 诊断用肺功能说明计算器 Diagnostic pulmonary-function interpretation calculator 868.1910 食道听诊器 Esophageal stethoscope 868.1920 电导体式食道听诊器 Esophageal stethoscope with electrical con


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