unit 2 Excercise.doc

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unit 2 Excercise

B. Text-based Exercises a) 选择填空。 1.Silicon dioxide _________at the temperature of 1,710 ℃。 a)melts (b)evaporate(蒸发) (c) dissolves(溶解) a 原文:It has a melting point of 1,710℃。 2.Glass is a pseudo-solid material with some of the randomness in structure characteristic of a _______. .b 原文:The very viscous liquid structure is thus partially preserved on cooling to give the characteristic feature of a glass, which is an apparently solid material with some of the randomness in structure characteristic of a liquid. 3.The so-called soda-lime glass has_______melting temperature and viscosity than pure SiO2. (a) the same (b) a higher (c)a lower c 原文:As a result, the so-called soda-lime glass has a lower melting temperature and viscosity than pure SiO2 and can be produced and fabricated more easily. 4.Glass is a _______material. (a)crystalline (b) noncrystalline (c)light b 原文:If the melted material is cooled rapidly, a noncrystalline solid is obtained.后文中有提到玻璃的形成过程也是如此。 5.By the addition of ________to silica,soda-lime glass can be formed. (a) copper(铜)oxide (b)tin(锡)oxide (c)calciun oxide or sodiunm oxide c 原文:The oxides most often added are sodium oxide and calcium oxide. b)分析前缀及词义 noncrystalline 非结晶的 non—meaning “not” eg.non-classical, non-smoker, non-violence tetrahedrally 四面体(形式)地 tetra—四,四面 eg. tetrachloride 四氯化物 tetragonal四角形的 reorganization 重组 re-meaning “again, back” eg.remarriage, reconsider, redistribution pseudo-solid 伪固体 pseudo-meaning“false,imitation” eg. pseudo-scientific ,pseudo-democratic, pseudoclassic irregularly 不规则地 ir-不 eg. irreplaceable ,irresistible, irrespective(不顾的,无关的) nondirectional 没有方向的 non—meaning “not” counteract中和;阻碍 counter-meaning “against, in opposition to” eg. counterstrike, counter-accusation, countercurrent(逆流,反向电流) entrap 使陷入 en-使处于…境地 entitle 给…称号 快速阅读翻译 恒星的产生 生词: liberate 释放 thermonuclear 热核的 hydrogen 氢 helium 氦 galaxy in the vicinity of 在……附近 condense


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