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对不起,我们错了,请原谅,请多指正 Excuse me , It`s our fault . Thank you for pointing it out. 有问题请再拨打95598同我们联系. Contact us at 95598 if you have further problems. 谢谢您的参与! Thank you for joining . 感谢您为奥运做出的努力。 Thanks for what you have done for Olympic games. 95598电力客户服务双语培训学习 主讲人:宁夏特殊教育学校 教研员 曹晓琴 2008. 6 . 20 95598日常短语(一) 您好 供电公司 客户服务中心 需要 什么 Hello electric power supply company customer service center need what 感谢 拨打 欢迎 继续 问题 热线 清楚 满意 对不起 Thank you dial welcome go on problem busy phone Understand satisfy sorry 听 大声 检查 稍后 请别挂断 hear speak a litter louder look it up wait for a moment hold on 打扰 别着急 没关系 指正(帮助改正) trouble don`t worry that`s all right point it out 告诉 发生 故障 时候 地方 停电 tell happen failure when where out of the power 多长时间 我们工作人员 45分钟内 how long our mechanics within 45 minutes 到达现场 联系 解决 宝贵意见 get there contact solute valuable suggestion 改进 号码 用户 姓名 收据 电表 improve number user name receipt watt meter 常用服务规范用语(二) 问候语 您好!95598电力客户服务热线。 xx号为您服务。请讲。 Hello!This is 95598,the Hotline for Customer Service from Electricity Company. Operator x is speaking , how can I help you? 对不起,我听不清您的声音,请你换个地方/请你换个电话\声音大一点可以吗?谢谢您。 I `m sorry I can`t hear you clearly . Could you speak a little louder \call in a another place \on another phone ? 请别急.我们的工作人员会在45分钟内到达现场.我们会尽快想法为您解决这个问题. Don`t worry . Our mechanics will arrive there within 45 minutes. We `ll try our best to solve this problem for you . 抱歉,让您久等了,这个问题您清楚了吗? Sorry to keep you waiting , do you understand ? 您对这个问题的处理满意吗? are you satisfied with this solution? 感谢您拨打95598.再见! Thank you for calling 95598. Bye ! (三).案例观摩:停电咨询 您好!我是x x小区的居民用户。 Hello ! I live in xx area. 这里突然停电已经有半小时了。 The electricity has been off for half an hour. 我想问一下究竟是什么原因? Could you tell me what the problem is ? 请您稍候,我给您查询。 Hold on please .I`ll look it up for you. 谢谢您的等候。 x x小


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