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爱在日落黄昏时 Before Sunset 《此时》读者见会 作者 杰西 ·华莱 士 你认为这本书算自传式的吗? Do you consider the book to be autobiographical? 这个 Well, I mean 什么书不是自传式的呢? isnt everything autobiographical? 我们都是通过自己那小小的钥匙孔看外 Imean, we all see theworld through our own tiny keyhole, right? 面的世界,对吧? 我是说,我总想起汤玛斯 ·沃尔夫说的 I mean, I always think of Thomas Wolfe. 你看过 《天使望故乡》那本书前面那短 Have you ever seen that little one Note to Reader in the 短一页的 “致读者”吗? front of Look Homeward, Angel? 你知道我在说什么吧? Well, you know what Im talking about? 总之,他说我们的生命就是由点点滴滴 Anyway,he saysthatwearethe sum ofallthemomentsofour lives 集合而成的 而任何人坐下来,写出来的都不过是自 and thatanybodywho sitsdown towritewilluse the clay of their 己生命中的体验 own life 谁都无法回避 that you cant avoid that. 所以当我审视我的人生,我必须得承认, Sowhen Ilookatmyown life,you know Ihavetoadmit,right, that 我发现 I 我从来没有经历过枪林弹雨或是暴力事 Ive never been around a bunch of guns or violence, you know, not 件,起码没真正体验过 really. 没有什么政治阴谋,也没什么直升机失 No political intrigue or a helicopter crash, right? 事 但是我的人生,从我个人观点来看仍然 But my life, from my own point of view,has been full of drama, 是富有戏剧性的 right? 于是我想也许我也能写本书 And so I thought,if I could write a book 记录下我见到某人时的感觉 that could capture what its like to really meet somebody 我是说,我经历过的最刺激的事情之一 One of the most exciting things thats happened to me 就是真正和某人见面,让两个人心灵相 is to meet somebody,make that connection. 通 而如果我能把它表现出来你明白吗,抓 And if I could make that valuable,you know, to capture that 住那一刻的感觉 那就是我的写作意图了,亦或者 that would be the attempt, or. 你满意我的回答吗? Did I answer your question? 我干脆就直说吧 Ill try to be more specific. 我在火车上遇见一个年轻的法国女郎 Was there ever a French young woman on a train you met 并和她共度


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