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* 模块三一单元 Module 3 Unit1 The world of our senses Reading 导学案(两个课时) 1. 掌握理解文中词汇、短语含义及其用法,分析长难句,大声朗读故事。 2. 精读深入文章细节,体会故事的发展,人物的情感。 3. 提高语言用活能力。同时在接受知识交流思想的同时,升华对人生的领悟和正确认识。 4.自主学习、合作探究,激情背诵,体会学习剧本的乐趣。 学习目标 【课前预习】预习案 一.背景展示 London used to be famous for its heavy fog. This is because people in London burnt coal, which gave off heavy smoke. Smoke and fog combine to form a type of pollution called smog. In 1873, a smog covered the city for days and caused 268 deaths. Another fog in 1879 lasted from November to March and caused four long months of darkness. In 1952, a four-day fog killed about 4,000 Londoners. It was not until then that some measures were taken to stop the heavy fog. 二. 熟读P3阅读策略,掌握如何把握故事类文体。 ask for help blind accident fear fog get lost danger confused 三.头脑风暴 What can you think of when the word “fog” is mentioned? 1. What is the story about? A young lady in the fog. At 86 King Street. 2. Where did Polly live? 3. How did she usually get home? 4. Who helped Polly? By bus. A stick. 四.教材助读 I.一轮阅读大声朗读故事。 II.二轮阅读完成表层理解题。(P2 A) 5. What was the old man carrying? An old man. III. 三轮阅读找难点。 词汇翻译 mist _______________ forecast _______________ conductor ______________ fare _______________ observe _______________ footstep ______________ narrow ____________ approach ______________ darkness ______________ hesitate ____________ grasp ________________ beard ________________ crossroad __________ firmly ________________ grateful _______________ glance at ___________ stare at _______________ in sight _______________ wish for ____________ reach out ______________ watch out for ___________ set off ______________ feel anxious _____________ 难句理解 Fear held her still. (L28) 薄雾 预测 车费 观察注意到 评论 脚步 狭窄的 靠近,着手处理 黑暗 犹豫 抓紧 售货员,指挥 胡须 十字路口 牢牢地 感激的 瞥一眼 盯着看,凝视 看得到 盼望 伸出手 留心 出发 感到焦虑 恐惧让她挪不动脚步。 【课内探究】 分组合作探究,成果展示,点评质疑。 探究一:语篇探究 精读课文 I. The route (路线) that Polly took home Outside Polly’s workplace At the bus stop in t


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