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The Table of Phonetics 元音 长元音 ?????????????????????????? 短元音 ????????????????????????????????? 双元音 ??????????????????????????????????????????????????? 辅音 清辅音 ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 浊辅音 ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Sound Rules 字母和字母组合 读音 a ??? ??? ???? ??? ??? breakfast affair Japan village private damage celebrate isolate appreciate name bad hat happy have want what wash walk water /??/ e ??? ??? ???? ??? excellent awaken enable edition pretty we these he she pen yes well desk best i (y) ??? ???? sit fish office family really realize organize fly why give live / i / o ??? ??? ???? ???? ???? control position hot mop box not photo potato go close hope love some none glove dove lose move do two to who shoe both comb most post bold cold /?? / u ??? ??? ???? ????? ???? ??? suggest industry but cut hut nut bus sun club communism regular institute gratitude use huge June rule true truth blue put push pull full busy / i / ai ay ey ???? wait rain train main say play day they grey (gray) said /e/ ar ???? ???? ??? car park star war warm ward collar sugar grammar particular al ???? ????? ???? ball hall tall talk walk false salt also half calm palm au augh ???? cause August fault launch daughter caught taught laugh /?:/ ass, ask, ast, ath, af(f), an, asp ???? class glass ask fast grasp bath staff dance plant command air ???? chair fair hair air pair stairs are ???? care dare stare rare are /??/ aw ???? law saw claw awful ea ???? ??? ???? ???? eat meat speak peace please bread ready head dead break great breathe real theatre ee ???? meet tree agree green steel need eer ???? pioneer engineer deer cheer beer ere ???? ???? mere here there where were /???/ ear ???


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