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2012年上海市高中英语学业水平考试模拟卷 华东师大第三附属中学 刘望花 (满分120分,其中笔试部分100分,听力口试部分100分折算成20分;考试时间120分钟) Part I I. Grammar and Vocabulary Section A (10分;每题1分) Directions: Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one answer that best completes the sentence. 1. ---Lily is coming by ______ plane tomorrow ---Let’s go to ______ airport to meet her. A. a; a B. /; a C. the; the D. /; the 2. _____ of them knows Japanese, so I have to ask a fourth person for help. A. Neither B. Either C. None D. Each 3. The young people ______ yellow sweaters are the fans of Shenhua Football Team. A. with B. in C. on D. by 4. ---Could you tell me ______ ? ---Sure. It’s over there next to the tall building. A. the city museum is near here B. how can I get to the city museum C. which is the way to the city museum D. where is the city museum 5. ---Can I tell Peter about the news? ---No, I don’t want anyone else to know it. You ______ keep it to yourself. A. must B. need C. can D. may 6. There are so many kinds of MP3 in the shop. We can’t decide ______ . A. what to buy B. to buy what C. which to buy D. to buy which 7. The news that the scientists so far haven’t found out the cause of the SARS discouraged some WHO officials, _________? A. did they B. didn’t they C. did it D. didn’t it 8. ________music fans for over 20 years, the Irish singer turned his desire to help Africa into a full-time job in February, 2002. A. Entertained B. Entertaining C. Having entertained D. Having been entertained 9. No one can tell the exact number of U.S. pilots and fighter planes_______ were lost in the Pearl Harbour air attack. A. who B. which C. wh


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