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Jim, let’s look at this funny picture. From my point of view, it demonstrates the importance of casting a full sight to the situation we are in and afterwards take relevant measures to solve our confronted problem. Across the picture, we can see a man riding a tricycle and trying to cross a narrow bridge. Though his front wheel is passing smoothly, a catastrophe is under way. Obviously he has forgotten, or stubbornly assumed his success in passing the narrow bridge, but as a matter of fact, the hind wheels of his tricycle which are well beyond what the bridge can carry. The man has the ability to widen the bridge to avoid the upcoming disaster, by using his boards back in his tricycle trunk. The ridiculous but sorrowful behavior of the stubborn man does remind us of the similar people in our life. When facing problems, they refuse to give up what they have thought right, and dream about getting through them with all their belongings untouched, but they fail to realize that if they think a little bit thoroughly or flexibly and use what they have to help them go across the narrow bridge like the man in the picture, it may add to the possibility or greatly reduce both time and energy, avoiding the consequent risk of failure. So Jim, we shouldn’t imitate what the man does in the picture, and we had better experience all-sided thinking and try to grasp what we can utilize to pave our way to success.(255w) Jim, let’s look at the picture, In my opinion, what the picture wants to tell us is that sometimes, we need to break through the limitation or restriction in order to achieve our advanced goals. For you see, across the picture we can see two cows living on a fenced farm, one of which may be lured by the tender tasteful grass outside their fence, and is trying her utmost to reach for the desired grass by jumping onto the top of a pole in the fence, while the other one is kept wondering inside what her fellow is doing that for. The point in life is that any advanced or f


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