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摘 要 人事管理系统是九十年代才出现的新兴的信息系统,它属于人力资源管理系统的一个小的分支,是管理科学和计算机技术紧密结合的产物。随着计算机技术的迅速发展,特别是软件开发技术和开发工具的不断进步,人事管理系统的开发逐步呈现出多方位,全面的开发模式:在开发模型的系统结构方面在沿着主机/终端模型到B/S模型到多层的B/S模式、再到C/S模式,相应地系统应用体系结构也由单层结构发展到二层结构再到三层结构以至多层;面向对象技术的得到广泛应用,组件技术的出现解决了传统的软件开发在分布性和重用性的一些问题,提高了软件开发的效率和质量 本论文是从现代企业管理中的人事管理现状出发,针对人事管理的复杂程序,经过详细的系统调查,开发出的操作简单而且方便实用的一个人事管理系统。人事系统是一套通用性极强的人事管理系统。提供了完备的人事档案管理,包括人事档案分类管理(户口状况、家庭情况、政治面貌、生理状况、学习及工作经历状况);人事变动(新进员工登记、员工离职登记、人事变更记录);考核(奖惩、领导和人事部门意见及评价);考勤(上班考勤情况管理、病事假情况管理)。人事档案资料完备,打印灵活。提供人事综合查询系统,可以按日期和姓名两种查询条件查询到用户所需资料。各种人事资料可方便的打印。 本系统的前端开发工具是Visual Basic 6.0,后台数据库引擎选用数据库软件Microsoft SQL 2000。 关键词:查询,人事管理,数据库 Abstract Personnel Management Information System is a kind of MIS which come forth in 90s .It combines management with the computer science. With the development of computer science. especially the development of technology and tools in software. The Personnel Management Information System gradually present in many ways: In the system construction of the development model. It has developed from client/service model to the B/ S model to multi-tiers B/ S model until now of C/S model; To adapt to the development of situation, the Web Application System of multi-tier application architecture came into being, which has been one of the fastest computer application systems since the Internet/Intranet technology was employed and has gradually been the main model of computer application systems. Meantime, Object-oriented technology has also made a rapid progress, which led to the Distributed Object Computing technology and the technology architecture of multi-tiers application architecture based on component. This thesis is a simple, convenient and practical personnel administrative operation system developed, proceeding from current personnel management situation in modern business administration, aiming to the complicated procedure of personnel management, investigated through the detailed system. The personnel system is a set of personnel administrative syste


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