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外交常用英语词汇:   Ministry of Foreign Affairs 外交部   Protocol Department 礼宾司   Information Department 新闻司   diplomatic mission 外交代表机构   embassy 大使馆   legation 公使馆   consulate-general 总领事馆   consulate 领事馆   office of the chargé daffaires, 代办处   military attaché‘s office, 武官处   commercial counsellors office 商务处   press section, in formation service 新闻处   liaison office 联络处   diplomat 外交家, 外交官   diplomatic rank 外交官衔   diplomatic representative 外交代表   members of the administrative and technical staff 行政技术人员   ambassador 大使   ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary 特命全权大使   nuncio 教廷大使   internuncio 教廷公使   counsellor withthe rank of minister, minister-counsellor 公使衔参赞   chargé daffaires, 代办   chargé daffasiread interim, 临时代办   counsellor 参赞   first secretary 一等秘书   second secretary 二等秘书   third secretary 三等秘书   attaché, 随员   commercial secretary 商务参赞   cultural secretary 文化参赞   commercial attaché, 商务专员   cultural attaché, 文化专员   military attaché, 武官   naval attaché, 海军武官   air attaché, 空军武官   consul-general 总领事   consul 领事   doyen of the diplomatic corps, dean of the diplomatic corps 外交使团团长   roving ambassador 巡回大使   ambassador-at-large 无任所大使   special envoy 特使   accredited to … 向…派遣的 ? 英语词汇 英汉对照→外交→外交机构 Ministry of Foreign Affairs 外交部 Protocol Department 礼宾司 Information Department 新闻司 diplomatic mission 外交代表机构 embassy 大使馆 legation 公使馆 consulate-general 总领事馆 consulate 领事馆 office of the chargé daffaires 代办处 military attachés office 武官处 commercial counsellors office 商务处 press section,?in formation service 新闻处 liaison office 联络处 安全考虑:security?consideration 傲慢行为:arrogant?behavior 多极化:multipolarity 霸权主义:hegemonism 强权政治:power?politics 国家主权:national?sovereignty 民族资源:national?resource 边界谈判:boundary?negotiation 不结盟国家:non-aligned?countries 采取惩罚行动:take?punitive?actions 采取高姿态:show?magnanimity 采取协调行动:take?concerted?steps 常驻代表:permanent?representative 弹性外交:elastic?diplomacy 邓小平外交思想:Deng?Xiaopings?diplomatic?thoughts 低调:low?keyed 电话协商:telephone?negotiations 独联


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