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智课网TOEFL备考资料法国是否应该干预马里?一托福阅读机经背景 Frances intervention in Mali against Islamist militants has been welcomed by most moderate Malians. For some, however, the military action has uncomfortable echoes of Europes colonial past in Africa. And France is disappointed by a less than enthusiastic response from its European partners. 法国干预马里、打击伊斯兰激进分子受到多数温和派马里人的欢迎,但对有些人来说,法国的军事行动令人不安地回想起欧洲在非洲实行殖民统治的时代。法国对欧洲伙伴国的反应不够热情感到失望。 On a back street of the Paris suburb Montreuil lies the Foyer Bara, home to dozens of Malians who have emigrated to the former colonial power. Here you can get everything from a hot lunch to a haircut. 在巴黎近郊蒙特勒伊(Montreuil)的一条小街座落着巴拉社区中心( Foyer Bara ),这里居住着几十名来自前法国殖民地马里的 移民 。在这里,从热乎乎的午餐到剪头发,各种服务应有尽有。 One topic dominates conversation: France’s military intervention. 大家一个热议话题就是法国对马里的军事干预。 Lammy Kamara is a Malian studying in Paris, who said the Malian people are happy because of the intervention against these people he called fanatics, who manipulate Islam. But he argued that the true cause of the crisis in the North is underdevelopment. And the causes of this poverty, he said, were imposed by the same nation that Mali now has asked to help stop the terrorism. 在巴黎学习的马里人拉米?卡马拉说,马里人民很高兴,因为法军打击的是他所说的篡改和利用伊斯兰教的极端分子。不过卡米拉说,马里北部危机的真正根源是贫穷落后,而造成贫穷的那些马里人,正是今天这些请求法国出兵帮助打击恐怖分子的人。 Support amid complicated past France has had a difficult relationship with some of its immigrant communities in recent years, particularly in the suburbs of Paris. But most of the Malian community in Montreuil firmly supports France’s intervention in their home country. 过去几年来,法国和一些移民社区的关系屡遭坎坷。不过,蒙特勒伊的马里社区多数民众都坚决支持法国干预他们的故国。 The support goes both ways. Malian musicians performed at a recent solidarity meeting at Montreuil town hall. Top of the bill was Harlem Désir, chairman of the ruling Socialist Party. Désir said he had a message for our Malian friends: We only want one thing - one Mali, free and democratic, and peaceful. Long live Mali, long live France, long


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