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dsfdsasdasdwdasfafdsd Unit 1 Wheres your pen pal from? 你们学校在调查学生笔友的情况,请先填写下面的表格,然后根据表格内容写一段话,介绍一下你的笔友。要求:60-70词。 Name ? Age ? Nationality ? Language ? Family ? Hobby ? ?参考范文: I have a pen pal. Her name is Mary. She is 14 years old. Shes from Canada. She speaks English. She likes math, but she doesnt like chemistry because she thinks its too difficult. Her favorite food is noodles, but she doesnt like porridge. She enjoys playing tennis, but she doesnt enjoy playing volleyball. She likes to go to school. There are five people in her family. They are her father, her mother, her sister, her brother and her. She has a happy family. 根据下面所提供的信息,写一篇50-60词的短文,介绍你的笔友。 姓名:Bill? 年龄:12岁? 国籍:美国? 父亲:医生? 母亲:教师 爱好:养宠物狗? 最喜欢的食物:汉堡包 I have a pen pal. His name is Bill . he is 12 years old. Hes from America and he speaks English..His father is a doctor and his mather is a teacher.He wants to be an actor. he likes math, but he doesnt like English because he thinks its too difficult. His favorite food is hambergers, but he doesnt like dumplings. His favorite animal is a dog, but he doesnt like cats Can you tell me about your pen friend? Unit 2 Wheres the post office? 写作 You are Charlie. Your pen pal Jack is coming to Beijing by air recently. He is going to visit you. He wrote a letter and asked you how to get to your home. Please answer his letter and e-mail him. (You can draw a map) (50-80 words) ?参考范文: Dear Jack, I know you are arriving recently. Let me tell you the way to my house. From the airport you can take a taxi to the west gate of Beijing University. Across from Beijing University is Weixiuyuan. My house is on the 2nd floor in Building No. 5 of Weixiuyuan. If you still have problems, please call me at Welcome to my house. Have a nice trip! Yours, Charlie ?根据以下提示写一段短文。(不少于60words) 假设你邀请你的朋友Lucy 来你家玩,但你很忙不能亲自去接她。请你给她写一封邮件告诉她该怎么到你家。要求包括以下要点。开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 1 从机场出来即可乘坐出租车。 2 经过花园酒店(Garden Hotel) 3 向左拐,然后沿着Bridge Street 走, 你可以看见一个超市,超市对面有一家餐馆,餐馆旁边是邮局,我家就在邮局后面,是一


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