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一月【一月第一周】1你遭遇“新年障碍”(New Years block)了吗?新的一年来到,每个人都期望新年有新气象,有新的收获。可因为习惯思维的关系,大家在新年的前几周会时不时地把新年的日期写成去年的。这样的情况,我们就叫做new years block。New years block is a condition that usually takes place the first couple of weeks into the new year, in which a person keeps writing in the last/previous year in place of the new one.For example:This is my third check today I write in the old year! I guess I got new years block.这是今天第三张把日期错写成去年的支票了!我猜我是患了新年障碍了。2充满希望,乐观积极的“一月心情”(January feeling)俗话说,新年新迹象。在人们的观念里,随着新年的到来,周遭事物也跟着焕然一新,为我们带来希望和快乐。由于新年伊始是一月,这种乐观心理也因此得名“一月心情”。January feeling refers to an emotional state characterized by feelings of optimism and possibility, particularly at the start of a new year.For example:Is it just me or are you all looking forward to the end of 2015? Something about that fresh new January feeling — all things seem possible!是只有我一个人有这种感觉,还是你们大家都在期盼迎来2015年年末?这是某些关于全新的“一月心情”,即一切似乎皆有可能!Theres another sense of this expression that means almost the opposite: An emotional state characterized by feelings of melancholy and lethargy, particularly early in the year when the holidays are over and a long winter looms. But this sense is quite old, dating to at least the mid 1920s.该词还有几乎相反的另一种用法:指人们处于忧郁悲伤、无精打采的心理状态,尤其当人们年初休完假,仍处于漫长冬季的时候。不过,这种用法较为陈旧,至少可追溯到十九世纪20年代中期。For example:Anyone who wants to lose that January feeling and substitute for that exhiliration and reinforced vitality, I recommend to go to the Exhibition of Canadian Art, open at present at the City Art Gallery.我推荐那些想摆脱“一月心情”,恢复幸福快乐、生机盎然的状态的人去参观目前正在城市美术馆展出的“加拿大艺术展”。3有问必答的“男性回答综合征”一群朋友在一起聊天,无论别人提什么问题,总有一个人抢着回答,虽然,他的回答可能并不是很靠谱。嗯,身边这样“无所不知”的人还真是不少呢!他们是不是都患了“男性回答综合征”啊?Male answer syndrome(MAS) is the tendency for some men to answer a question even when they dont know the answer.Try an experiment. Ask a male friend a question, something completely outside his sphere of expertise.来做个试验,问你的男性朋友一个问题,而且是完全在他知识范围以外的问题。Will you get an answer? Chances are, you will. The male friend is exhibiting behavior known as Male Answe


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