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Taboo taboo(直译为“塔布”,意译为“禁忌”)一词原是玻利尼西业汤加语,意思是“需要极端注意的事”。英国航海家james cook(1728—1779)于1777年航行到南太平洋的汤加岛,发现并记录了该地有关taboo的种种现象。 “禁忌”现象包括两个方面:一是受尊敬的神物不能随便使用;二是受鄙视的贱物不能随便接触。而所谓语言禁忌(verbal taboo)也包括两个方面:即语言的灵物崇拜和语言的禁用和代用。在当今社会文化交流日益频繁,禁忌便成为人们在跨文化交流中需要注意的问题否则会因为禁忌不同导致交际失败。 所谓禁忌就是那些因传统习惯或社会风俗等原因应避免使用的词语或忌讳的行为。每种语言中都有它的禁忌,如:英语国家忌数字13。 据《圣经》记载,在最后的晚餐上,出卖耶稣的犹大是餐桌上的第13人,因此13是个主凶的数字。由此,饭店里没有13号房间,请客忌讳13人,重要活动避开每月的13日。又如在英美等西方国家,黑猫被视为禁忌动物。如果人们遇到黑猫穿过马路迎面走来,那将预示着灾祸临头。禁忌几乎无处不在,这里只把那些跨文化交际中至关重要的禁忌加以介绍。 Taboo Western taboo Chinese taboo Western taboo Social taboo Taboo Festival Superstition and taboo Racial discrimination language Social taboo In the English-speaking countries, to visit a person subject to prior appointment, avoid surprise visit. Otherwise, the respondents feel unhappy, because this sudden call disrupted the organization of work, caused him great inconvenience. Appointment of the visit are generally on time, but the habit, especially dinner or party, the American habit of 3-5 minutes later, 10 minutes late is no problem, This is to give the hostess a little Huanyi make-up time. Of course, English-speaking countries people still have one of the greatest taboos that is person‘s privacy. There is a saying in English: A man’s home is his castle. (一个人的家就是他的城堡。) Means: a person‘s home is sacred and inviolable, without permission, may not enter. The same is true of individuals do not let people know, the more reluctant to intervene in other people. Ask about the age of personal income, wages, property, marriage 、、、 love, religion, political orientation a private matter, that is another way of violating other peoples castle. 因此诸如“How old are you?”, “Whats your income?”, “How much did that dress cost you?”, “Are you married or single?”, “Are you a Republican or a Democrat?”, “Are you Catholic?”这类问题是必须避免问的。如果实在想知道别人这方面的情况,可以先谈谈自己的情况,然后再引对方主动谈出他的情况。 In addition, helpful English-speaking countries the customary gifts of flowers, some of wh


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