childhood 关于童年的英语.docx

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childhood 关于童年的英语

Sweet childhoodWords:1.Be born to 生来Some people are lucky enough to be born with a good sense of direction. 有些人是足够的幸运天生就有好的方向感.2.Be curious about 对事物感到好奇Dont be too curious about things you are not supposed to know. 对于不要你知道的事别去打听。3.Do whatever he want 做任何想做的事4.childhood development儿童发育5.nursery rhymes童谣儿歌6.innocent and pure天真无邪7.dim memories of ones childhood童年时代的模糊记忆8.Sentences My childhood is more hick than I could ever possibly relate to you, and also more intellectual than you would ever expect. 我的童年非常的土,我都没法让你们了解,同时也远比各位所预期的要充满智慧。Growing up in England as the son of two archaeologist parents meant that Magnus Renfrew spent much of his childhood in museums. 对马格纳斯-伦弗鲁来说,在英国长大、父母双方都是考古学家这种背景注定了他童年的很多时光都是在博物馆度过的。It’s never too late to have a happy childhood. But the second one is up to you and no one else. 找回快乐的童年永远都不晚。但是这第二次机会只能靠你自己,别人都帮不上忙。Your baby may have discovered his first toy by now----the umbilical cord. He may try to grab at it and pull as he tests out his new limbs. 婴儿可能已经发现了他的第一个玩具——脐带。他可能尽力去抓住它,并用力拉它来测验他的新生的四肢。That period time is the beginning of our lives. It leaves us so many things different and precious. All our thoughts and feelings are rooted in the fertile soil.那一段时光是我们的人生之初,我们的一切思想和感情,都是在童年的沃土上扎根开花的。Childhood always hides in the place where you can not find it. It likes a naughty elf appearing time to time from your eyes. Making you mind sees endless and unlimited.童年永远躲在你抓不到它的地方,它像一个顽皮的精灵不时从你眼皮地下冒出来,惹你情思绵绵遐想无限。But she was thrilled to get that out as a real, real fact in her life. 童年的梦想终于成真的时候,她激动不已。Being someone who had had a very difficult childhood, a very difficult adolescence -- it had to do with -- not quite poverty but close. 我有不堪的童年经历,青春期也很痛苦,虽然不是穷困潦倒,也差不多。And were ready now to tell a story about his childhood and his life, and it goes on, and he has, you know, many adventures. 现在我们准备好要讲述米洛童年和生活的故事了,而且还会继续下去,你懂的,他有过很多冒险经历。A youngster who has no playmates of his age living nearby may benefit greatly from attending nursery school. 附近没有同龄伙伴



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