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找灵感:15个可以激发想象力的地方 15 places to find inspiration If you’re a writer or artist, you understand the power of location when it comes to creativity and finding inspiration. Looking for a place that will get your juices flowing? Here are 15 common places that can inspire your creativity. 如果你是个作家或艺术家,你就会明白位置在创造力和寻找灵感方面的重要性。你正在寻找能让创意源源不断的地方吗?来看看这15种能激发你创造力的常见地方吧。 1. Libraries and Bookstores 图书馆和书店 Words are a wonderful thing. You could rearrange the same 26 letters to create an endless array of words that will surely tickle somebody抯 fancy. Observe how things like the weight or texture of a book could offer clues for what抯 hiding under the cover. A heavy book could symbolize a significant time investment for the writer (and you, the reader). A light book could be seen as a short-and-sweet escape perfect for a beach, cruise ship, or even your lunch hour. 词语是很神奇的事情。你重新排列一下26个字母,就能创造出无限的词语,必然会让某些人心满意足。观察类似图书的重量和图案这些内容会帮你发现隐藏在封皮底下的线索。一本重书标志着作家(及读者)投入了大量的时间。一本轻书可以当做在海滩、游艇或午餐时完美的短暂而甜蜜的休息内容。 2. Early Mornings or Late Nights 清晨或深夜 You know what I love? Being awake with no sound but birds chirping and an ever-so-slight morning glow overhead while the lazy sun opens its eyes for a brand new day. But maybe you抎 be more inspired by a hooting owl, glowing moon, and the sound of crickets. Morning or night, the same fact holds true: there is something innately inspiring about getting work done while the rest of the world sleeps. 你知道我喜欢什么吗?醒时,周围只有鸟叫声,朦胧的晨曦照过头顶,慵懒的太阳睁开眼睛,开始崭新的一天。但也许猫头鹰的叫声、月光和蟋蟀的鸣叫声更能激发你的灵感。无论是清晨或是黑夜,这一事实都是成立的:当世界上其他人都在睡觉时,你与生俱来的某些东西赋予你灵感,让你把工作做完。 3. Hotels 旅馆 Hotels are kind of like the purgatory of living arrangements. It is a place that is hard to feel comfortable in despite the fact that you do 揾ome-like?activities such as sleeping, bathing, and brushing. The drastic change in living arrangements could shake you out of auto-pilot from your daily routine and increase your awareness and ability to live in the present. 旅馆里的生活安排有点儿像炼狱一样。尽管你在做“类似家里”的活动,如睡觉、洗


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