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FTTx中的技术应用和网络部署 摘要:随着互联网的持续快速发展,网上新业务层出不穷,使得人们对接入网带宽的需求持续增加。铜缆所能提供的带宽已经远远不能满足人们的需要,而光纤所能提供的带宽是无限的,这时就需要将光纤技术运用到光接入网中。实际,在接入网中全部或部分使用光纤的均属光接入网,依据由光纤连接到用户的距离,可将光接入网的构建分为FTTC、FTTB、FTTH等多种方式,统称为FTTx,其中FTTH是光纤接入的最终也是最理想的方式。实现了FTTH,接入网便可为用户提供无限的带宽,满足了人们对于视频、语音、上网等业务的高宽带的要求。 本文通过对光纤接入网面临的网络技术演进与转型需求分析,引入了FTTx的概念、架构及其发展史。深入分析了FTTx的构建中需要用到的PON技术、体系架构及技术指标。最终探讨了FTTx网络部署及组网方式。 关键词:FTTx、FTTH、光纤接入网、PON、带宽 Abstract:The demand for the access network bandwidth continues to increase, for the sustained and rapid development of the Internet and endless new internet businesses. While the bandwidth provided by the copper could not meet the requirements, the optical fiber can provide the unlimited bandwidth. Therefore, we need to use the fiber optical technology in the OAN. Actually, the access network which uses the optical fiber, whether wholly or partly, belongs to the OAN. According to the distance to the users, the OAN can be divided into FTTC、FTTB、FTTH, etc., and all those are united named FTTx. Among them, FTTH(Fiber To The Home) is considered as the ultimate and best way for the OAN. With the implementation of FTTH, the OAN could provide the unlimited bandwidth for users and satisfy their requirement of the HDTV, voice, internet and other high-bandwidth businesses. This paper introduces the concept, structure, and developing history of FTTx, based on the analysis of the OAN’s network technology and restructuring. The PON technology, architecture and technology indicators, which will be used in FTTx are deeply analyzed. Conclusions are made about the arranging of the network in FTTx. Key Words: FTTx、FTTH、the OAN、PON、bandwidth 目录 引言 1 1光纤接入网概述 1 1.1接入网的概念 1 1.2光纤接入网的结构 3 1.3光纤接入网的应用选择 3 2 FTTx简介 4 2.1 对于FTTx的国内外综述 4 2.2 FTTx架构 6 3 PON简介及功能模块 9 3.1 PON简介 9 3.2 PON功能模块 10 3.2.1 OLT功能模块 10 3.2.2 光分配网络 10 3.2.3 ONU功能模块 13 4 各种PON 14 4.1 APON 14 4.2 EPON 14 4.2.1 EPON系统构成与分层结构 14 4.2.2 EPON的技术优势与传输原理 17 4.3 GPON 19 4.4 GPON与EPON的比较 20 5 FTTx的网络部署 22 5.1 光纤接入的几种模式 22 5.1.1 FTTC+xDSL模式 2


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