Unit 1 Module 1.ppt

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Unit 1 Module 1

* Module 1 Unit 1 一、重点词语: 1. add…to… 把…添加到…之上 add to 增添(节日气氛), 增加到 add up 把…相加 add up to 合计达 1) 她的到来增添了我们的快乐。 2) 请往牛奶里加些糖。 3) 请帮我把这些数字加起来。 4) 我们学校的学生加起来超过1000人。 Her coming added to our pleasure. Please add some sugar to the milk. Add up these figures for me, please. The students add up to over 1000 in our school. 2. not/ never…until… 直到…才… Eg: 昨晚直到妈妈回来,我才去睡觉。 I didn’t go to bed until my mum came back last night. ※ 在这种句型中,主句的动词是终止性的动词。 1)昨天直到雨停,他们才离开学校。 2)直到她告诉我,我才知道这个消息。 3)直到你答应帮他,他才会离开。 4)他们不得不等到雨停。 They didn’t leave the school until the rain stopped yesterday. They had to wait until the rain stopped. I didn’t know the news until she told me. He won’t leave until you promise to help him. 3. ignore vt. 不理睬, 忽视 ignorant adj. 无知的, 不知道的 ignorance n. 无知 ※ be ignorant of = not know 不知道 ignore sth 忽视了某事 不听我的建议将是一个错误。 他不顾时速,把车开得很快。 因为他病在床上好几个月,他不知道这个领域的新发展。 It would be a mistake to ignore my advice. He ignored the speed limit and drove very fast. As he had been ill in bed for several months, he was ignorant of the new development in the field. 4. share v. 分享, 分担, 合用, 共同拥有 n. (属于某人的) 一份 我们彼此分担忧愁,分享快乐。 这对双胞胎有共同的爱好和兴趣。 成功也有他的一份。 We share (in) our sorrows as well as joys with each other. The twins share the same tastes and interests. He had a share in the success. ※ do one’s share for… 为…尽自己的一份力 share out the work 分摊工作 share (in) sth 分享某物 share the joys and hardships 同甘共苦 5. on purpose 故意地 for the purpose of 为了…目的 the main purpose of doing sth 做某事的主要目的 这就是来这儿的主要目的。 他为了学音乐去了奥地利。 我不是故意伤害你的 。 This is the main purpose of coming here. I didn’t hurt you on purpose. He went to Austria for the purpose of studying music. 6. reason 原因, 理由 ( 强调结果 ) caus


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