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考研词汇Day 14

enthusiastic a.热情的,热心的 【搭配】enthusiastic【例句】But some Senate Republicans are less than enthusiastic about the treaty.但是一些参议院共和党人对这个条约的热情没有那么高。entitle v.给以权利(或资格);给…称号(题名);授权 【巧记】给…称号(题名)授权【搭配】……; 【例句】A certain rank would entitle a comrade to share an automobile.某级别的同志可以分享一部汽车。entity n.实体;存在(物);组织,机构;本质 【例句】The federal government is the only entity left with the resources to jolt our economy back to life.联邦政府是唯一有能力重振经济的实体。entrepreneur n.[法]企业家, 主办人 【例句】To be an entrepreneur you need to be an independent, outgoing risk taker as you establish your own business or company.要成为一个企业家,在开创你自己的公司的时候你必须成为独立的、外向的风险承担者。entry n.进入,入口;通道;记载,条目 【搭配】entry into 进入到……; 【例句】she came to Suited for Change looking to regain entry to the workforce.她来寻求帮助,准备重新回到工作岗位。environment n.环境,外界 【】environmental环境的; environmentalist环保主义者; 【例句】Some 63% said they approved of a green tax to discourage behavior that harms the environment.63%的英国百姓愿意在购买有害环境的产品和接受有害环境的服务时交纳额外的环境税。envisage v.想象,设想,展望,正视 【巧记】【例句】Nobody can envisage the consequences of total nuclear war.没有人能够想像全面核战争的后果。envy v./n.羡慕,忌妒 【搭配】envy of 被人艳羡的; 【例句】We typically envy our bosses not only for their higher salaries but also for the responsibility and authority they command.我们通常会羡慕老板,不光是因为他们薪水高,还因为他们承担的责任和拥有的权威。epidemic a.流行性的;传染的 n.流行病;传播 【巧记】【例句】The mystery of the mass animal death epidemic deepens after 8,000 turtle doves fell dead in a town in northern Italy.意大利北部小城约8000只斑鸠暴毙,使得近期频发全球的动物集体死亡事件再添疑云。episode n.一段情节;片断;(连续剧的)一集 【巧记】【例句】This episode is as repetitive as the first.这部电影和第一部一样重复拖沓。epoch n.新纪元;时代;时期;地质世,纪,期 【例句】A man has passed away thanks to whom a whole new epoch was born.他走了,他曾经缔造了俄罗斯的新纪元。equality n.同等;平等;相等;等式;等同性 【例句】Political equality requires democratic political institutions.政治平等需要的政治制度。equation n.(数学)等式,方程式;(with)相等;均衡【例句】A genetic equation show the height of a son would range from 2.075 to 2.215 meters。一个遗传公式可以得出:要是男孩,那么身高应在2.075到2.215米之间.equip v.装备,配备;训练 【搭配】equip with【例句】An extra $130 is needed to equip it with third-ge


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